33. We can travel together

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It's Friday.

It's Friday and closer to break.

That's all Spencer could think about... that and having sex with Remus.

She smiled at her book as she thought about him, and all the things he did to her.

"Hey" were the words that took her out of her trance. "Isn't it a bit too cold to be reading out here?" Hermione asked.

Spencer grabbed her wand and pointed it at her, Hermione smiled. "Warming charms" Hermione said before taking a seat next to her.

"Hermione, we need to talk" Spencer said before closing her book.

"Sure, what about" she questioned as she played with the snow in front of her.

"Well... a multitude of things actually, but first I just want to ask if there's anything you want to say to me?" she replied.

Hermione's head shot up in thought.

"Sneaky little witch knows... hex her Spencer!" Emily accused.

Spencer smiled as her words came out.

"You've been avoiding me" Spencer said softly.

"Ok, fine, but I didn't- it's because if I say it you'll just you'll hate me" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I won't hate you Hermione" Spencer laughed.

"You're important to us okay" she rolled her eyes. "I know life's been tough for you, and whatever, and I get sometimes you don't want-" she spoke.

"Is this coming because I've been skipping breakfast lately? because I swear I'm eating" Spencer chuckled.

"Maybe. I just- after you fainted we never really talked about it, what happened. So I just- it's important that you know you have us, that's a promise" Hermione finished saying.

Spencer smiled.

"What? No 'you can't make those promises'" Hermione laughed.

Spencer shrugged, "I'm letting myself believe you can" she smiled.

Hermione chuckled, "anything else?" Spencer asked.

"I don't think so... unless you have anything to talk about... with me" Hermione replied as she looked down.

"Hermione I don't want to play games" Spencer said as she placed her arm on Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione smiled. "He's changing you" she said softly.

"I knew it!" Emily bursted.

"I'm- what" Spencer said simultaneously.

"C'mon Spence" Hermione shook her head with a smile, "you know exactly what I'm talking about"

Spencer cast a privacy charm around them before speaking, "how- what exactly do you- what are you talking about"

"Are we going to continue to be vague or can I say his name?" she asked.

Spencer couldn't say anything, Hermione was the last person she wanted to find out. Quite frankly she didn't want anyone to find out.

What they had, if people heard, would be ruined. This is something Spencer and Remus both knew.

But the adrenaline that kicked in when someone was too close and they were in a compromising position was something they enjoyed, it was something they also wouldn't admit to themselves.

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