154. It's cute

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"Keep an eye on the twins for me will you?" she asked Harry as they walked to the platform.

"Yeah" he nodded.

"And make sure to stay on top of your homework" Remus commented. "You can call if you need help" he offered.

Harry smiled.

"Got your lunch?" she asked.

"Yes and I went to the bathroom" he nodded. "When are you starting school?" Harry asked her.

"Tomorrow" she replied.

"What about work?"

"I quit" she shrugged.

"What!" he exclaimed. "Why?"

"I don't need to work, I just needed a distraction" she answered.

"What'd Mason say?"

Remus looked straight ahead.

"Haven't told him yet" she shrugged.

"Have you told anyone?"

"Dur, Gracie and Andrew."

"... anyone else?"

"You" she answered.

"And Professor Lupin now."

"Yes, him too, I suppose"

"Why haven't you told him?" Harry asked about Mason.

"I'm going to, just haven't found the right time."

"What are you doing here" they heard Moody speak from behind them.

They turned around and saw a familiar black dog next to him.

Harry smiled widely, Moody shook his head as they went to a closed off waiting area.

"You two stand guard" he told Remus and Spencer. "We'll take a lap" he looked at Tonks.

Tonks smiled at Remus before following Moody, Spencer played with the skin on her thumb.

"Why are you anxious?" he asked.

"I'm not" she answered.

"I know you are."

She didn't reply.

"Don't want to talk?"

"Not really" she answered.

"That's okay, I can talk for the both of us" he looked at the passersby.

"It's a busy day, isn't it? I always wonder where everyone is going in such a hurry." He glanced at her, but her expression remained distant.

He continued, "You know, when I was a kid I loved people-watching, I'd make up stories and names. I still do, like that couple over there—" he nodded towards a pair sitting on a bench, "—they look like they're having a serious conversation. Maybe they're arguing about something important. Or maybe they're just deciding where to go for lunch. I'd name them Jack and Jill."

She glanced briefly at the couple, then back at her feet. He took a deep breath and pressed on. "And that old man with the dog—he probably has some amazing stories to tell. Imagine the life he's lived, all the changes he's seen. I like Albert."

He waited, hoping for a response, but she remained silent.

"Spencer," he began, his voice gentle, "I know things have been... complicated. But I've missed talking to you. Really talking."

She looked up, meeting his eyes.

"I don't think talking will help much," she said quietly.

"Maybe not, we won't know" he admitted. "Why did you quit your job?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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