52. Stop trying to buy me off

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"I am breathing cold air" Spencer spoke.

"What?" a tired Remus asked.

"The air I'm breathing is cold"

"That makes zero sense" he replied.

"Can you bring me a pullover please" she whispered, brining his body closer to hers.

Remus placed his palm on her forehead, feeling her temperature.

"You're not hot"

"Pullover" she yawned.

"How am I supposed to do that if you're bringing me closer" he chuckled.


"You can't acc- okay okay" he laughed as she lightly bit his skin.

He called the pullover toward them, Spencer smiled as she realized from the touch it was his.

"Thanks" she kissed him. As she pulled away she looked into his eyes.

"Kiss me again" he whispered.

"You kiss me ag-" Remus cut her off by placing his lips on hers.

Slowly Remus moved on top of her, Spencer resting her head on a pillow.

"Why do we need to breathe" he complained out of breath. "I just want to kiss you" he chuckled.

Spencer chuckled as she placed a quick kiss on his cheek. In response Remus kissed her forehead before laying on her chest.


"My turn" he shook his head.

Remus fell asleep quickly, gripping onto her body as Spencer stares at the stars on her ceiling. After 20 minutes Remus finally flipped over, Spencer decided to try sleeping once more. She spooned his body, her leg over his hip.

After hearing him snore repeatedly, she sighed before walking to her kitchen and preparing herself a cup of tea.

When an idea of what to do popped in her head she began dressing.

She went into the drawing room and placed the pre-packed bag by the door.

When the tea was ready she put it in two cups and walked out, making her way to the whomping willow.

As she went in she could her his faint snoring, she smiled to herself as she placed everything on the table and walked toward him.

However she was met with Sirius getting up quickly and pinning her against the wall, his arm across her throat.

Spencer hit his side repeatedly, running out of breath.

Once Sirius realized what was going on he took three steps back.

Spencer coughed as she sank down on the floor. He slowly kneeled down, apologizing multiple times.

He placed his hand on her knee; however, Spencer pushed it off and ran away from him.

He kept apologizing, until she was out of sight.

Spencer walked toward the forest, not knowing exactly where she was going. She tried to take her scarf off but found it difficult.

She placed her hand on a tree, trying to catch her breath. Extending the scarf away from her.

"You're okay" she whispered. "You're okay, You're okay, You're okay."

She cleared her throat before standing straight and looking at her surroundings.

"Hey" Josh spoke.

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