127. No disrespect

324 26 4

Harry, can we please talk?


Spencer stared at herself through her mirror.

She wore a Christmas sweater, it had snowflakes all over it.

She wondered what Remus was doing, was he alone?

Did he buy gifts?

What did his tree look like?

Andrew knocked on her door, "ready?"

She took another look at herself.

"Yeah" she opened the door. "Are people here yet?"

"No" he shook his head. "I'm kind of nervous" he shrugged.

"It'll be fun" she assured him. "If it's not, tomorrow will be" she nodded.


She chuckled, "come, let's take a picture in front of the tree."

As the camera flashed, their doorbell rang.

They went to the door.

"Molly!" Andrew greeted. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course!" she pet his back during their hug.

"Hi darling" Arthur hugged Spencer.

"Hey" she held on tight.

"First ones here?" he asked.

"Yeah, dinner is ready though" she shrugged. "Maybe we'll just wait a bit."

"I love the music" he smiled.

It was Remus' vinyl.

Even though he physically wasn't there, a part of him was.

She wanted him to be.

"Jazz" she nodded. "I thought Fred and George were back?"

"They are, but they said they'll come tomorrow. Apparently they didn't want to come to a "lame dinner party.""

She laughed, "of course" she rolled her eyes. "Where are Harry and Ron?"

"They stayed at the castle, my love" he answered, looking for Molly.


Arthur nodded.

"Have you heard from Harry?"

"Yeah, he's doing alright."

"Right, totally" she nodded.

Five minutes passed before Andrew's parents arrived.

Andrew hugged both of them before giving them a tour of the house.

Then Spencer's dad and grandfather arrived.

She had a huge smiled on her face until she saw a third body.

Her mother behind them.

Her eyes widened, her smile dropped.

"Merry Christmas" her grandfather hugged her.

"Yeah... you too."

"Hi dad" she kissed his cheek. "Mom" she brought her chin down.

Her mother gave her a short smile.

"We brought pie" her dad cut the silence.

"I can take it" she took it to the kitchen.

She heard Andrew tell them to sit down, that they would bring out the food.

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