136. Death

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Something Spencer realized early on about death was that it doesn't discriminate.

Whether you're good, bad, or in between- your day will come.

No matter how old or how young.


Spencer and Andrew woke up earlier than usual, wanting enough time to get ready.

They both showered and did their hair- Spencer put red and yellow dots on top of her left eye and on the bottom right eye.

She wore a custom made hat that had Potter sowed in the front.

Today was the final task, her nerves were all over the place.

"He'll be fine" Lily tried to calm her.

"I know" she nodded. "I'm just scared of him getting hurt."

"I know" she agreed. "Me too."

She took a deep breath, "ready?" Andrew called out.

"Yeah" she put her shoes on. She met him down in the living room, he held the sign she made last night.

Potter Wins.

He held his arm out, Spencer grabbed it and quickly they found themselves outside of Hogwarts.

As they followed the signs posted, she got a phone call.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey beautiful" Mason greeted. "How are you?"

"Good, tired" she answered.

"I told you we shouldn't have stayed up talking on the phone" he laughed. "Are you at Harry's game already?"

"Yeah, we're hoping we find Arthur soon."

"Well I just wanted to call and hear your voice for a bit-" Mason said as Spencer heard some shuffling in the background. He laughed.

"What's funny?" she chuckled.

"Ellie wants to talk to you" he answered.

Eliza had wanted a nickname, Spencer had suggested Ellie.

Ever since then she has not wanted to be called Eliza.

"Pass her over" she smiled.

Mason and Spencer had been "not dating" for five months now.

She was officially introduced to Eliza as his friend.

This meant that occasionally she came over and spent time with them, but never the night.

They still hadn't crossed that topic of sex.

Spencer wasn't sure if she wanted to.

She wanted things to be different, and Mason was more than happy to follow her lead.

"Hi Ellie" Spencer greeted.

"Hey Mis" she giggled, using half of Spencer's middle name. "When are you coming over again? You promised me a tea party!"

"And that I did! I'll come over soon, I promise" she answered. "The piano lessons have been taking up my time."

"My dad told me one time you have a piano in your apartment" she noted.

"I do, Andrew bought one" Spencer nodded to herself.

"Can we come over and watch you play?"

"Ellie" Spencer heard Mason. "We don't invite ourselves over to places."

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