24. Boggart

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"Very good Spencer" Professor Addison said as she patted Spencer's head. Spencer smiled widely.

"Thanks Professor! I've been spending all week trying to learn that" Spencer said as she sat down on top of a desk. Her professor giggled.

"How many times have I told you Spencer, call me Ramona"

Don't do this to me...

Spencer shook her head, "I don't think I could ever do that" she laughed.

"It's okay... nobody has to know" Professor Addison said as she played with Spencer's hair. Spencer shifted.

Stop please... don't.

"Right well...I have to get to dinner. Thank you for helping me Professor" Spencer said as she hopped off the desk.

"No problem Spencer" she smiled.

"Spencer!" she heard someone yell faintly.

"Remember, you and me" Ramona added while throwing her picky up.

"You and me" Spencer smiled as she intertwined them together.

Spencer widened her eyes, Remus was shaking her awake. Immediately after she realized she was sweating, the sun wasn't even up.

"Fuck I'm- I'm sorry" Spencer sighed as she cursed herself in her brain. She closed her eyes and tried to control her breathing.

"No it's- you're okay" Remus said as he got off of her and sat beside her, waiting for her to calm down.

"I'm sorry" she whispered as she composed herself.

"It's okay love" he softly smiled as he ran his thumb in circles on her shoulder. Spencer grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"Nightmare" she answered.

"I gathered" he whispered as he played with her hand in his.

"Is it... because of yesterday?" he reluctantly asked.

"No- I-" Spencer sighed, "I don't know what's wrong with me" she shrugged.

"There's nothing wrong with you... everyone has nightmares now and then" he replied softly. Spencer turned and smiled at him.

She rolled her eyes and said "shut up."

Remus reddened.

"No- shit, you see what you made me do" she turned to her side.

"She's here?" Remus questioned as he looked around the room.

Spencer nodded annoyingly.

"What did she say?" Remus asked.

"Tell him Spence... eventually he'll read your file" Emily said.

"He won't re- it's not even there- go away" Spencer said as she moved her hands through her sister.

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