138. Professor Lupin

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It was a game of silence, and god forbid Spencer would be uncomfortable in her own home.

"Hungry?" she asked, heading into the kitchen.


"Doesn't matter, I'm making lunch" she cut him off. "So, how have you been?" she looked into the fridge.

"You're going to kill him" Lily chuckled.

"I'm okay" he nodded.


He didn't ask how she was, she didn't say anything in response.

Lily sat on top of the counter top, away from them but still watching.

What was he doing? Spencer asked herself.

What did he want?

"So... you and Mason?" he asked.

"I don't think that's an appropriate topic of conversation Professor Lupin" she chuckled, taking out ingredients to make a sandwich. She placed them on top of the kitchen island, "thank you for asking, I'm good. Ham or turkey?" she looked up at him.

He was confused.

"I'll do turkey" she took bread out. "I heard you work at a bike shop now, or did? I don't exactly know what you're up to now days. Anyway, how's that going?"

"It's work" he answered. "Listen-"

"I get that, I work at a bakery now. It gets super boring sometimes- but having a routine is good."

He nodded slowly, studying her movements.

"Have you talked to Harry? He misses you, you should write to him" she looked up, giving him his sandwich. "He always asks about you."

She looked back down at the plate, "Are you staying or going back to where you were?"

"Staying. Sirius offered me a room" he replied.

"Cool, must be nice to catch up with an old friend" she took a bite from her sandwich.

Nox came into the kitchen, ignoring Remus as he jumped up on the kitchen island and nudged Spencer with his head.

"He got big."

"He did" she whispered.

The wall she held up was being torn down by reminders.

"... we're okay?"

"Define okay" she answered. She took a deep breath before speaking again, "you were my professor and I was your student. Then you disappeared. We're not friends, we're not anything."

He looked up at her, "we could try to be-"

"Spencer!" Andrew yelled from the front door.

"Kitchen" she said out loud.

"You will not believe what the bloody prophet is-"

He stopped in place as he found she was not alone in the kitchen.

"Andy, you remember Professor Lupin? He's back in town."

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