44. *Here you are making me whole

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As the days progressed, Spencer's grandfather continued to want to see her.

If he knew about the dinner she went to with Harry and Remus, he didn't mention it.

He also didn't mention the fight they had in the street.

Harry didn't seem as moody as he used to, Remus told Spencer.

She had a liking toward Kingsley. Spencer had multiple conversations with him during dinners, occasionally Remus joining.

"What are you thinking about?" Remus asked as he placed a curl behind her ear, holding her tightly in bed.

Spencer brought her attention to him, she caressed his face and smiled.

She brought her shirt up, showing him the fading makes he left on her.

Remus smiled as he looked down and stared in amazement.

"Did you bring your Polaroid?" he looked back up, smirking.

"Sorry Professor," she brought her shirt back down, "I did not" she answered.

"Well- it seems as if," he said lifting her shirt back up, "you need this off in order for me to remember for as long as I can" he finished taking her shirt off.

"You know, recently it's only been me without a shirt" she replied.

Remus chuckled and nodded as he took his off.

Spencer sat up, "what are-" he tried to say.

"Sit up" she motioned him.

She sat across from him, their knees touching.

Remus stared at her as she brought her hand up, running her fingers across the multitude of scars on his chest.

Her fingers were soft, Spencer felt as if electricity ran through her body.

This moment... nothing could compare.

There wasn't a word spoken.

Once she finished she brought her hand down, placing it on her knee.

She stared at his eyes for a minute until she kissed him deeply, making him lay back down.

Remus got hard as she rocked her hips on him and felt her breasts on his chest.

Spencer moved down, kissing his neck and leaving hickeys on his chest.

Remus' hand gripped on her ass, the other one caressing her back.

"Look at me" he asked.

Spencer brought her face up, hovering over him.

"You-" he found himself unable to speak.

He brought the hand on her back to her shoulder, bringing it down and lifting her arm.

He intertwined his fingers with hers, admiring their hands together.

Finally he looked back at her, placing her hand on his chest, clutching her hand.

"With all my knowledge, I could never entirely predict you" he said.

There was a look in his eyes, something Spencer couldn't recognize.

"Here you are making me feel whole" he added.

Blush crept up on her cheeks, "when you say things like that I don't know what to reply" she admitted.

"Please tell me what's better than 'here you are making me feel whole'" she chuckled.

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