3. The man

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She packed her bags, looking at her room once more. She wouldn't come back to this house. She knew it. She could, or would, stay with the Weasleys for a bit and then... well she wasn't sure. She had saved up enough muggle money to buy an apartment but the whole question of where was still hanging. She didn't exactly know what she wanted to do, so the future was still being written.

She walked toward her parents and said goodbye. They didn't know and she wasn't planning on letting them know. It wasn't much of a surprise she was running late, she did this every year. 

The platform was almost empty, she ran inside and tried to find the twins. She passed by Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were, to her surprise, not alone. 

She opened the cart to find a man sleeping with a jacket over himself. She threw Hermione a confused look and Hermione replied with a shrug, they had just gotten to their compartment. 

"Where are the twins?"

Ron replied, "probably by the front of the train." She threw a light smile at him. She then looked at Harry and told him "I want a conversation with you later young man."

She liked scolding him, he was like her younger sibling. 

They all were.

She made her way to the front of the train and finally found Fred and George along with Melissa and Andrew. They all started talking at the same time saying things like "finally" "look who's here" and "what took you so long." 

She had a smile on her face, "feels nice to be missed"

George then answered them with a simple "she does this every year. Is it really a surprise?"

She proceeded to punch him on the side of his arm and he quickly said "ow... okay sorry." 

The group talking about their summer activities, especially how Spencer spent her time. 

"She definitely got some" Fred said. 

"Yeah, and you're mad you didn't" Spencer replied and they laughed. "How did that guy react when you had to leave?"

She thought back to him and smiled. "It was okay, we both had to leave... he got me this as a goodbye."

She put her hand up and showed the ring. 

Fred quickly said "so you are good in bed huh" as he held her hand, inspecting the ring, 

"Wouldn't you like to know" she replied, everyone laughed.

Quickly they changed the conversation to remise over the last seven years. All the pranks George, Fred, and Spencer did and the times they escaped the castle with the map they found their first year. 

"So Spence, did you take McGonagall's offer?" asked Andrew. 

She turned to look at him and opened her eyes widely. 

"What offer?" asked Fred. 

"Oh, it's really nothi-" 

"Nothing? Spencer please" Andrew quickly said interrupting Spencer. 

Fred gave her a look, she knew she wouldn't get out of this one.

"Well, you know how we're getting a new Defense against the dark arts teacher..."

The twins and Melissa shook their heads in agreement.

"McGonagall asked me to you know... help out" she said while shrugging.

"Help out?" George asked

"Yeah like you know, assist sometimes" Spencer replied.

"Assist" Fred repeated. "Oh you're so getting a job here after we graduate, you already have your ass in the door."

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