121. Missed you

440 30 9

Hey kiddo,

Italy is way better than Paris. I think you'd like it. Most people use bikes, which I thought was interesting... okay I meant weird but what can I say.

I kinda like coffee now? Not really but, it's bearable I guess.

Apparently exposure therapy does work.

I love you and I miss you.


Spencer blew on her cappuccino before wrapping her scarf around her neck tightly.

It was a chilly afternoon, the leaves now different colors as October came to a close.

She thought about Harry, who hadn't replied to any her letters.

And Sirius, who had replied to her letters.

He hoped she was having fun and that he'd see her soon.

He missed her, and not just because they slept together, he noted.

"It's not kind to leave a lady waiting" someone spoke from her side.

Spencer chuckled, "he seems to be late" she rolled her eyes.

"Such a shame" he sighed. "But that gives me time to spark a conversation with a wonderful young lady" he took the seat in beside of her.

Yeah, go right ahead, Spencer said sarcastically in her head as she placed a fake smile on her face.

"I can't quite place your accent" he added. "Where are you from?"

God, where was Andrew? She decided she was always going to wait for him to get dressed after this.

"I live in London but I grew up in Mexico" she shrugged.

"Mixed, nice" he nodded.


"Yeah" she smiled.

"You have beautiful hair" he held out his hand and placed a strand between his fingers.

She hated her hair. It had gotten too long and she wished for a change.

She saw his left hand go down, getting closer to her chest.

It was quick, in a millisecond his palm was on her breast.

He squeezed it before she had the opportunity to do something.

She smacked it off and quickly stood, "everything okay?" Andrew awkwardly chuckled as he approached the table. He studied her, waiting for an answer.

"Everything is alright," the man stood, "just giving her some company" he smiled at Andrew.

"Spence?" he asked her.

For some reason, she couldn't speak.

She knew what she wanted to say, but she just simply couldn't.

"I'll take my leave" he told Andrew before making his way out of the patio.

"No" Andrew grabbed his arm.

"Spencer" he asked her again. "Is everything okay?"

After a moment, she shook her head.

Andrew immediately punched him, he threw him on the floor, and left him there. He placed 50 euros on the table before grabbing Spencer's hand before walking away from the groaning man.

"I just ordered a cappuccino" she whispered.

"I tip well" Andrew shrugged it off with a smile.

"Can we go home?" she asked.

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