113. I can beat him up

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"Miss?" someone knocked on her bedroom door.

Spencer didn't hear them, she was a heavy sleeper.

After five minutes, they came in the room and lightly woke her up.

She placed her hand over her eyes, the sun was too bright.

"What time is it?" she asked as she stood up.

"8am" they answered.

"Amanda?" she asked.

"Yes, miss" she nodded, even though Spencer still couldn't clearly see her.

"What's wrong?" she turned to her side, "where's Harry?" she asked, noting Harry wasn't sleeping beside her.

"That's why i'm here miss-"

"You don't have to call me miss, Spencer is fine" she rubbed her eyes. "Where'd he go?"

"He's cleaning" she answered.


"Yes, cleaning" she nodded.

"What?" unsure if she was hearing her correctly.

"I found him in the first floor bathroom, cleaning the floor. I told him that wasn't necessary but he insisted."

"He's... cleaning the bathroom?"

"Yes" she nodded. "We have a cleaning staff, I don't want you to think-"

"No, I know. It's... I'll get him. Thank you for waking me up" she nodded.

"I apologize, he wouldn't listen to me" she gave her a soft smile.

"Don't worry about it" Spencer shook her head.

Amanda left her room, moments later Spencer grabbed a cardigan and put it over her tank top.

She would've changed morning were always chilly and last night she slept with shorts.

But she didn't want Harry to keep cleaning.

She walked downstairs and found him, "Harry?"

"Yeah" he asked as he scrubbed the floor of the bathroom.

"What are you doing" she asked from the doorway.

"Cleaning the bathroom" he scrubbed harder.

"It's 8am."


"Why are you cleaning the bathroom at 8am?"

"I clean..." he answered.

"Harry" Spencer sat next to him.

"It's what I do, I do all the cooking and cleaning for the Dursley's and I can't cook because Amanda is here so I can clean" he nodded.

"Hey" she placed her hand on his, stopping the back and forth motion. "You don't have to do any of that here" she shook her head. "We have a cleaning lady believe it or not" she laughed, caressing his cheek.

"Aunt Petunia says this is how you earn love" he said confused.

Spencer frowned. "Harry, you don't have to earn my love. I... you have all of it, you don't need to work for it-"

"Well what can I do?"

She shook her head, he was waiting for an answer.

"Just breathe" she shrugged.

He chuckled.

She brought him into a hug.

"Harry, when I said you can do anything here... I mean anything."

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