80. Rain, Sun, and Wind

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"I thought you didn't have a car?" Spencer asked as Remus said they'd be walking to the parking lot.

They'd just arrived in Yorkshire, where Remus' cabin was located.

"I don't have a car, I got a rental" he said, looking at the numbers painted on the concrete.

"Thought we were poor" she chuckled.

"One might say I saved up" he shrugged. "There we go" he walked to the black car.

Spencer smiled as he put their bags in the trunk.

"You know," she said getting in, "I wouldn't mind taking public transport."

"I know," he checked the mirrors, "however the last time we had car sex- it was pretty good, wasn't it?" he looked at her.

Spencer blushed as she moved to look out of the window. "Just drive" she smiled.

He smirked, starting the car and backing out from the space.

"I thought we could go on a hike?" he asked.

"Right now?"

"Yeah I used to go to this trail when I was a kid, there's a waterfall at the end of it" he nodded.

"Okay yeah but- I mean I don't hike so we might have to take it slow" she chuckled.

"Sure," he smiled, "in the spirit of sharing I should warn you that it's about 4 miles in-"


"Yes" he nodded.


"Two going and two coming back" he laughed.

"Anything else I should know?"


"Remus just tell me" she ran her hand through her hair.

"You'll see it when you get there" he chuckled.

Spencer took out her camera, placing it on the dashboard after pressing the record button.

"Hello everyone, if you're seeing this I've died. I'm dead, gone, deceased. Rest In Peace Spencer Venus" she started off.

"Good lord I think I preferred the notebook" Remus said as he looked at her antics.

"Who is that you might be asking? None other than my murderer, John" she moved the camera so Remus would be seen.

"My name is not John" he said seriously to the camera.

"Your middle name is John, a man named Remus would not murder me."

"John would?"

"Yes" she answered. "Anyway, since I am in fact dead I say this with a sound mind and body. I leave everything to Harry Potter. He is to distribute all my belongings. Fred don't complain, you can keep all my cameras and yes George you can have my art supplies" she rolled her eyes. "Yes Hermione you can have my books, no Ron you can't have my Wonder Woman collectible but you can keep the-"

Remus laughed.

"What's funny?"

"You said that Harry can distribute everything yet here you are telling people what they can and can't have" he chuckled.

Spencer looked from Remus to the camera.

"Harry if you're wondering why I'm with your defense professor-" Remus hit the button to stop recording. "Hey!" she laughed.

"I don't even want to know what words were going to come out of your mouth" he shook his head.

"Nice ones" she smirked, putting the camera back in its place.

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