51. Winter

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"When you told Molly and Arthur we needed to work I didn't think you were being serious" Spencer said out of breath, walking up the stairs carrying boxes.

"Your efforts will be rewarded"

"Listen here fortune cookie" Spencer dropped them. "I have no type of body strength- I'm pretty sure I'm sweating through my shirt and I couldn't find my deodorant this morning!"

"It's not going through your shirt and I wasn't going to say anything" he shrugged.

Spencer grabbed a file and smacked his side.

Remus laughed as he took out his wand and pointed it at the boxes. "They should be a bit lighter now"

"You couldn't do that earlier?"

"I didn't know you didn't have body strength" he shrugged.

"When have you ever-"

"You run" he cut her off. "You go on runs and- in hindsight you're right okay now let's go" he continued walking.

Spencer took a step back as she felt herself bump into something. "Thanks for telling me" she set the boxes down.

"Ms. Venus. A word" Snape spoke.

"Hey you're not-" she began to chuckle but was cut off.

"Not here" he said angrily.

"Kinda busy" she kicked the boxes and looked at Remus.

Snape pointed his wand toward the boxes and levitated them alongside Remus. "They'll follow you- now leave" he spoke.

"You are such a-" Spencer looked Remus' way.

"With pleasure" Remus walked away.

"How can I help you" Spencer looked from Remus' back to Snape.

"You can help me by serving detention every Friday of January- along with the Weasleys"

"Why would I do that to myself-"

"I'm not in pink" he said through his teeth.

"What a shame, I'd think you'd rock it" she said louder and louder as he began to walk away.

"Hey" she followed him.

He turned around.

"Is your room still pink?" she tried hiding her smile.

"C'mon dad! You know you're proud" she said as he walked further away.

Spencer chuckled before walking to Remus' classroom.

"Hey" Remus looked up.

"How could you leave me" she crossed her hands.

"The minute I left I knew I made the biggest mistake of my life" he stood up. "Will you ever forgive me?"

"Red velvet cupcakes" she said before walking past him and up to his room.

She rolled her eyes at his made bed before sitting down on it. "C'mon we have a bazillion boxes left" Remus walked in.

Spencer yawned, "I'm kind of tired."

"Someone needs to fire you" he shook his head.

"Someone won't- I'm special and he knows it" 

Remus nodded before kissing her cheek and closing the door.

Spencer took a nap as Remus continued to put things away.

Once he finished he went up to his room, kneeling down at placing his hand on her face. He caressed her cheek softly, repeating her name so she could wake up.

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