117. *See you later

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One moment she was playing scrabble with her favorite boys.

In the next moment, he appeared.

Sirius stood up quickly at the sight of him, "what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Relax" Spencer stood, placing her hand on his arm.

Severus noted the touch.

"What happened?" she asked. "What's wrong?"

"Is there somewhere private we could speak?" he asked her.

"You're not getting in a room-"

Spencer looked at Sirius, silently telling him to stand down.

"You will not-" he looked her in the eye.

"You don't get to tell me what I can't do" she shook her head, cutting him off.

"There's an office down the hall" she said as she walked toward it.

Sirius reached for her arm, holding onto it.

A pleading look on his face.

"It's okay" she assured.

He dropped her arm, allowing her to walk to the office.

Severus studied Sirius before following her.

Once inside, she spoke first.

"Who died?"

"Why do you think someone died?"

"I never thought I'd see you in this country, so who died?"

"No one died" he answered.

"Then why are you here?"

"Sit" he pointed to a chair.

He sat beside her.

"You're worrying me" she spoke.

"It's my fault and I want you to know that I am truly, deeply, sorry."

"What did you do" she whispered.

"I was not aware that Albus didn't know Harry was here..."

Her eyes widened, she knew what was next.

"No" she stood up in denial.

"Spencer-" he stood up.

"I refuse- he refuses-" red sparks came out of her hands.

"He's a minor- he can't refuse" he shook his head, cutting her off.


"I have good news" he cut her off again.

She sighed and waited for him to continue.

"The Weasley's will be taking him to the quidditch World Cup, then he's off to school. So he won't be going back to the Dursley's."

She smiled, taking a deep breath and calmed down.

Then she realized something, "But the cup isn't until-"

"Dumbledore doesn't want him out of the country" he answered her unasked question.

She rolled her eyes.

"This isn't fair."

"I know" he nodded. "When he's of age-"

"That's three years! I promised we'd come back to visit Sirius-"

"Why you make such promises is no concern of mine" he said quickly, she straightened her back.

"What's going on?"

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