34. Patience is a virtue

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"Now," Remus said after taking his face off hers, "do you mind telling me what made you want to share this?" he asked.

"I just wanted to tell you" she shrugged. "I'm sorry," she laughed and sniffled, "this could've waited until later... or never" she finished saying.

Remus shook his head, "Don't worry about it love" he replied. "You know I always want you to talk to me" he said before kissing her head.

"I've never said it to anyone other than Snape" she admitted, holding his hand and looking out of the astronomy tower.

"Why did you only tell him?" Remus asked.

"When he saved me... from drowning myself, we talked. He asked me how I wanted to be remembered and just-" she shrugged.

"What did you answer?" He asked. Remus could hear her heartbeat accelerate, she unconsciously held his hand tighter.

"I said I didn't" she admitted. "He knows far more about me than you, more bad than good. Then he told me about the bag thing and other stuff before he got tired of talking to me" she chuckled.

"I guess I just- I like you Remus" she sighed.

"I like you too" he replied, confused.

"You're the first guy who I actually want to last with," Spencer whispered, "and I'm scared as shit because- because I'm not normal" she awkwardly laughed.

"We've- I've had fun these past few months. I've enjoyed our time, it's just... everything is ending so soon. I mean we're half way through the year and-" she nodded. 

She could feel Remus tense up, so she kept staring at the trees.

"I don't expect you to say anything, that's just where I'm at you know" she nodded.

"I promised" Remus replied.

"Remus..." Spencer shook her head.

"No matter what ever happens, I promised" he said holding her hand tighter. "Spencer look at me... please"

Spencer slowly turned around to face him. "I'm scared as shit too" he admitted.

Both of them laughed.

"You're not the only one thinking like that... I swear" he nodded his head. "Like you said earlier... no measure of time will be long enough" he said playing with her hand. "So let's just start with now" he added.

She chuckled and looked at their hands. "Anyway, I'm not normal either" he shrugged and laughed. Spencer grinned as she shook her head.

"I like you, Spencer Artemis Venus" Remus said before kissing her. She smiled and shook her head during the kiss.

"Can we go to bed now?" he asked with a chuckle, resting his forehead on hers.

"I think I'm going to stay here for a bit" she answered. "You don't have to stay, you can go sleep" she added, caressing his cheek.

"Spencer, of course I'm going to stay" he shook his head. "You don't even have to ask love" he placed his hand on top of hers.

"I'm just going to-" he said as he shifted his head onto her lap and laid down. Spencer chuckled as he got comfortable.

"Are you comfortable darling?" she chuckled caressing his hair.

"Mmh" he replied, crossing his arms over his chest, looking out at the trees.

"You know... I've always wanted this" he spoke.

"This?" she asked.

"Yeah... you, I guess" he answered, Spencer smiled. "I don't know... just this. It feels right, I just feel it you know" he finished.

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