36. We'll beg for and borrow time

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After a few minutes of just staring at her, Remus whispered "Shit" at himself as he saw the aloe vera gel on the nightstand.

"Spence" he whispered, slowly poking her shoulder.

"Mm" she groaned.

"I need you to wake up" he whispered.

"Remus you just said I could sleep" she furrowed her eyebrows, eyes still closed.

"I know I'm sorry but I needed to apply the aloe vera after I took off the wax but you told me you wanted me to-"

"I know what I said" she giggled.

"I need you to be awake ok? I don't want to do anything while you're sleeping" he said as he got the aloe.

"Mmh" she nodded, taking the blanket off of her.

"Spencer, I'm serious, don't fall asleep" he said applying it on her stomach.

"I'm not" she replied.

"Open your eyes"

"Remus I won't fall asleep" she chuckled.

"I'm going to put it on your boobs, okay?" he asked.

"Mmh" she nodded.

"Spence?" he asked.

"Yeah" she replied.

"This is weird with your eyes closed" he whispered.

"Okay then I'll talk to you" she answered. "I'm excited for break- though I'm going to miss you" she sighed. "You never told me what you were going to do" she added.

"I'm not sure myself" he answered. "I'll probably stay here or I don't know-" he sighed. "But I know I'll miss you too" he smiled even though she couldn't see.

"You don't have family?" she asked before thinking. "Sorry- it- I didn't mean to bring up your family while you're massaging my chest" she chuckled awkwardly.

Remus laughed, "no it's okay- and no I don't, both my parents are dead" he answered nodding.

Spencer opened her eyes, "I'm sorry" she said softly.

"It's okay- long time ago" he shrugged.

"Mm" she nodded. "I can come back a couple days early, say we have to prepare for the new semester" she smiled at him, changing the subject.

"Yeah?" he grinned.

"Yeah," she nodded, "or I could say my parents expect me" she shrugged.

"Whatever you want to do love" he smiled before kissing her lips. "Do you want a shirt?" he asked as he put the aloe away.

"No I'm okay" she answered. "Come cuddle with me" she said petting the bed.

"You bet" he smiled before laying next to her.

The two slept comfortably until Spencer slowly opened her eyes, feeling something poking her from behind.

She turned around and saw Remus was slowly becoming hard.

"Remus" she whispered. "Remus" She repeated until he started shuffling.

"Hey" he said tiredly. "I thought I was going to wake you up" he smiled.

"What time is it" he asked.

"I didn't wake you up to talk about time" she chuckled.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked.

"Your best friend" Spencer said as she looked down. "Looks like he woke up before you" she chuckled.

Remus laughed awkwardly as he covered himself with the blanket.

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