61. Why didn't I?

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"Hey" Remus said from the doorway into her room.

"Hey" she set her book down on her chest. "Long day?"

He shook his head as he walked to her.

He laid down next to her, placing his head on her chest.

"I just missed you" he said.

Spencer smiled as she played with his hair.

"I missed you too" she replied.

"What are we having for dinner?" he asked.

"How about spaghetti?"

"Can we make your white spaghetti?"

"Sure" she chuckled.

"With a side of my deep dark past and secret identity" he chuckled.

"Remus," she chuckled, "just because I said-"

"I want to"

"I don't want to force you into-"

"Spencer," he looked up at her, "you're special to me... I was going to tell you eventually" he shrugged.

Spencer slightly frowned. "I'm sorry I took that away from you"

"It's okay," he shook his head, "I would've probably shit my pants" he chuckled.

Spencer laughed. "We should start the spaghetti" she smiled.

"Yep" he nodded, getting off of her.

They walked to the kitchen, Spencer looked for the box.

"So... when did you become a werewolf?" she asked.

"When I was four" he turned on the stove.

Spencer turned around quickly, making sure she heard correctly.

"Yeah," he nodded before turning around, "four."

"How- what" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"My dad was- you remember what he said about werewolves?"

"Yeah" she frowned.

"Well one of them wasn't happy with it so" he presented himself with his hands.

"But you- you went to school here. No one knows?"

"Dumbledore does... my friends did and Severus does too."

Spencer smiled.


"It makes sense now" she chuckled.

"Also uhm," he cleared his throat, "I may have accidentally almost killed him once."

Spencer chuckled. "How did it accidentally almost happen"

"Someone told him where I transformed" he put his head down.

"...but- that would mean-"

"Yeah, it was one of my friends" he nodded.

"I'm sorry"

"Me too"

"Who was it?" she asked.

"I don't really want to get into it"

Spencer gave him a short smile, "Wait," she furrowed her eyebrows, "where do you transform?"

"There's- you know that painting in my room?"


"Yeah, there's a- it's a pretty big room behind it so he can roam around. Other times I go to the dungeons if he's agitated"

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