99. Would your friends like me?

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Spencer stared at her plate.

Eggs. Bacon. Toast. Jam. Juice. 

It's just breakfast. 

Eggs. Bacon. Toast. Jam. Juice. 

It's just breakfast.

Spencer repeated in her head.

She stared at her plate, having a hard time bringing the food to her mouth.

Please... it's just breakfast.

But as much as she told herself "it's just breakfast" she couldn't do it.

She couldn't eat.

She had to eat.

Or it would get worse from here.

Spencer felt someone kick her foot, she looked up and saw Fred staring.

So were George and Andrew.

"You can give me half" he offered his plate. "Only if you eat the other half."

Spencer cleared her throat, "thanks" she gave him half her food.

George began talking about quidditch, Spencer couldn't really hear as she continued to stare at her plate.

She didn't know how many minutes passed until she heard her name.

"Come with me" Snape spoke.

Spencer began to grab her bag, "she hasn't finished breakfast" Andrew held her arm.

"It's fine."

"She'll go after breakfast" Fred added.


"Breakfast" he looked at her.

"Bring it with you" Snape said.

She looked up at him.

"She'll eat" Snape told Fred, Andrew let her arm go.

She took a deep breath before grabbing her plate and bag.

"I'll see you later" she told them before leaving the hall.

Spencer followed Snape to his classroom, he opened a window.

"Eat" he said, his back to her.

"Not hungry."

"You haven't eaten in three days, properly eaten, I need you to eat something."

"I ate last night-"

"Don't lie, not to me."

"I did eat last-"

"A granola bar is not a meal Spencer."

She looked at the ceiling, "what do you want."

"You need to-"

"I can't! Okay! Is that what you want me to say!" she yelled and stood up from her chair.


"Fuck you."

The next thing she knew, she was staring at the ceiling in the hospital wing.

"Dick" she muttered, sitting up.

"Right here" he said, sitting next to her.

"Dick" she said clearly.

He was unamused.

Snape reached for the plate on the bedside table and handed it to her.

"Starting off small... again."

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