56. *It's her, I know it is

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Spencer woke up to Remus planting kisses on her head.

She smiled, eyes still closed, at how he kept going.

"Wake up" he whispered.

"I'm up" she replied.

Spencer opened her eyes, seeing Remus with a smile on his face.

She smiled back before kissing him.

"It's Tuesday" she said.

"Just one more day" he nodded.

"Two technically, today hasn't started" Spencer corrected him.

"Today started 3 minutes ago when you woke up and smiled" he drew her hair back.

"You're so-" Spencer scrunched her nose.

"Yes" he planted a kiss on her nose before getting up.

He stretched slowly, Spencer took this opportunity to lightly kick the back of his knee. Making Remus almost fall forward.

"Not funny" he said gaining his balance.

"Not even two days ago you called me funny" she sat up.

"That was two days ago" he shook his head, smiling.

Spencer stood up and walked in front of him.

She looked him in the eye and smiled. "You like me" she said.

"Of course I like you" he nodded.

Spencer wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly.

"You like me like me" she rested her head against him.

"I like you like you" he carried her, making Spencer chuckle. "I like you a lot"

Spencer drew her head back, giggling. She stopped to smile at him.

"You're so pretty" he whispered.

Spencer put her head down, blushing.

"Heaven is a place on earth with you" he added.

"What's with you this morning" she looked up at him, smiling.

"Just appreciating you" he kissed her before setting her down. "Maybe a little too much, but as I should" he ran a hand through his hair.

"I think I'm going to wear a skirt today just because of that" she caressed his cheek.

"You should" he nodded.

"I'll see you later Professor" she kissed his cheek.

As she walked away Remus grabbed her arm. He pulled her back and kissed her, his hands on her jaw.

"You get mad when I don't say goodbye properly" he winked.

Spencer smirked before kissing him again and leaving his room.

She walked to her home, putting on her uniform and deciding to join her friends for breakfast.

"Pour me some?" Spencer handed her cup to Andrew.

"This is coffee" he answered.

"Never mind then" she drew her cup back. "Since when do you drink coffee?"

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