46. *Woah! Hey there

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Remus laid with Spencer, slowly caressing her back with his fingers as she ran her index on his scars.

Warming each other up with their body's. Spencer turned around to face him, her eyes widened as he was already looking at her.

Remus has a strange look on his face. He was about to speak but paused and kept looking at her.

"You're my best friend" he spoke.

Spencer smiled and caressed his cheek. There was comfortable silence surrounding them.

"You're my best friend too" she said before kissing him.

They stayed in bed until Spencer knew it was time to leave with Arthur. She changed quietly as Remus fell back to sleep.

She kissed his cheek softly before exiting the room.

"I'm read- why are you wearing your work clothes?" Spencer said as she walked down the stairs.

"They called me in sweetheart" Arthur said sadly.

"But... but Hermione"

"We'll pick her up another day" he nodded.

"Pick who up" Remus said as he walked into the living room, yawning.

"I got called in for work and we were supposed to go pick up Hermione" Arthur answered.

"I can go" Remus supplied.

"Are you sure? It's-"

"Yeah not a problem" he nodded.

"Well there you go" Arthur looked at Spencer. "I'll see you guys in 6 hours" he said before leaving.

"I'll get ready" Remus said as he walked up to their room.

"Remus- you don't have to do this" Spencer said entering with him.

"It'll be a nice drive" he shrugged. "Some time together alone" he smiled.

"Is this about that time we almost had car se-"

"Woah! Hey there" he chuckled louder so she wouldn't finish her sentence.

"We can't talk about that out loud" he whispered.

"So is it?" she whispered.

"No" he shook his head.

"No?" she asked.

"No" he answered.

Spencer chuckled, "you're cute" she said wrapping her arms around herself.

"We are not having car sex" he whisper yelled.

"Totally," Spencer spoke, "we are not having car sex" she nodded.


"We might- need to tell Arthur to get a bigger car" Spencer said in between moans as Remus thrusted into her from the back seat, hitting his head on the roof of the car.

"Please don't talk about Arthur love" he replied.

"I can multitask"

"I don't want you to" he said before kissing her roughly.

"Fuck" she moaned into his mouth, running her hand through his hair.

"Do you think Arthur will notice-"

"Enough" Remus said putting his hand on her mouth. Spencer smirked, closing her eyes and clenching him inside her.

"Or Molly?" she said beneath his hand.

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