41. Do you think it hurt him just as much?

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"You suck at this" Ron snorted as he beat Spencer at wizard's chess once more.

"Shut up. Again" Spencer told Ron.

Spencer could hear Arthur come in: however, she was entranced in the game with Ron. Arthur smiled to himself before going to talk to Molly.

"Oh! how exciting" Molly shrieked, making Spencer look up towards the kitchen. "I have to get more food then" she kissed Arthur in the cheek before leaving. Arthur couldn't get another word in as he saw his wife leave the house.

"Yuck" Ron said as he looked back from his parents at the game.

Spencer chuckled at the boy. "You'll grow up" she said.

"Your move" Ron replied.

"Actually I'm going to take a shower," Spencer said standing up, "Harry" she looked toward the couch he was sitting on, "play with Ron" she nodded before heading up to her room.

She grabbed her clothes and walked to the bathroom. Once she finished she went to her room and walked downstairs. When she noticed the boys were gone, Spencer asked Molly if she knew where they were.

"I think they're all out back playing quidditch" she answered as she continued to cook.

"Do you want any help with that?" Spencer asked.

"No honey I'm okay," she smiled, "go read that book of yours" she nodded.

"Ok," Spencer nodded back, "call if you need anything" she finished saying.

Spencer didn't quite feel like going outside and flying with them, there would be an uneven team anyway. She opted to read in the living room instead.

An hour later, Molly said "Spencer come say hello" from the kitchen.

"Alright" Spencer said as she got up and placed her book down. She walked into the kitchen, greeting the man by the door.

"Hi I'm Spencer, you can call me Spence or Venus if you want- that's my last name" she smiled shaking the mans hand.

"I'm Kingsley, people call me Kings, though not many people call me Shacklebolt... unless my coworkers want something from me. That's my last name" he chuckled.

"What happened to your palm?" he asked as he took his hand back, looking at the scar slowly fading.

"Knife" Spencer chuckled.

"Tough," he laughed, "this is Remus" he said as he pulled him from a conversation with Molly.

"Oh- hi" Spencer chuckled. "Yeah we- I know him" she smiled.

"Oh" Kingsley grinned as he nudged his elbow on Remus'.

"Remus is her professor" Arthur included, walking in from the back door, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh" he furrowed his eyebrows. "You don't- sorry it's just you don't look like you'd still be in school" he chuckled.

"It's okay, I get that a lot actually" she laughed while looking at remus. "It's nice to see you Professor" she reached to shake his hand.

"Oh, Spencer don't be so formal- the boys call him by his first name you should too," Molly quipped as she washed some dishes, "you know, you would've met him even before he was a Professor that Christmas you missed" she added.

"I've been told" she awkwardly smiled at Arthur. "Anyway- um" Spencer cleared her throat.

"Are you guys staying?" Arthur asked, wrapping his arm around Spencer. He slowly rubbed and squeezed her arm, just below the shoulder.

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