13. Giving in

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Hermione noticed Spencer standing at the end of the classroom and walked up to her.

She lightly poked her shoulder, "you're in here today?"

"Yeah" she smiled.

"Did you get a chance to talk with Fred and George?" she asked.

"Yes, as well as Snape" Spencer replied while looking back down on the paper she was studying.

"What about Professor Lupin?" Hermione asked as she waved to Harry and Ron walking into the classroom. 

"Didn't want to bother him so I asked Snape to tell him" Spencer replied without looking at her. 

Hermione turned to look at her, she was about to say something but decided to keep quiet. 

She just nodded her head and changed the subject. 

"I don't think I've ever seen Snape care so much about a person as he does for you" Hermione said.

Spencer smiled at her comment, "I started calling him dad and father."

Hermione stifled a laugh, "and how did he take it."

"He didn't, he told me to stop but of course I won't" Spencer chuckled. 

The girls kept laughing until it was cut short by Remus walking up to them.

"Hermione, do you mind if I have a word with Spencer?" he asked. 

Hermione looked up at him, "Of course Professor."

She walked away and Spencer wouldn't take her eyes off the paper in front of her.

He stood next to her, "Spencer, we need to talk."

She scoffed at his words, "No we don't. Remember, There's nothing to talk about, you said it yourself" she replied coldly. 

"Don't be like that Spencer" he whispered with an almost pleading tone. 

"Like what? like you?" she snapped back. 

She looked up from the paper and looked him in the eye. 

"When I wanted to talk, to figure out whatever the fuck this was... it took you forever. You avoided me. You said I'm busy. I take It from what I saw yesterday you'll be far more busy with Kula now" Spencer said and looked back down to her paper.

"Spencer that's why we need to talk. Don't forget what happened after we talked... before Dumbledore."

She looked up at him, trying to see anything in his face that could possibly say I'm just using you to her. 

She didn't see it, she saw sincerity.

"Your students are waiting for you professor" she said. 

He sighed and looked down. 

He walked to the front of the classroom and began the third years class. 

Throughout the period Remus kept glancing at Spencer. 

She hated that he was doing that, she couldn't focus.

At the end of the period Harry walked up to her, "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine! why does everyone keep asking me that" she said angrily. 

She realized she yelled when he took a step back. "Sorry just- bad day... I'm fine" she added as she packed her things. 

"You look off... you're scratching the skin on your thumb again" Harry replied with a slight frown.

"I'm fine kiddo. Just stressed is all. You don't need to worry about me ok?" Spencer assured him. He nodded as he watched her pack her bags. 

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