23.*Good girl

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chapters with * will include smut... 🙊

Spencer woke up to the noise of knocking, surprisingly Remus hadn't.

Spencer laughed to herself as she put some pants and a sweater on and walked to the door. She braced herself for Fred and George.

"Professor Dumbledore...Good morning" Spencer said as she awkwardly held onto the door.

Dumbledore looked at her outfit, which made Spencer look too. She was wearing one of Remus' sweaters- hopefully he doesn't notice.

"Sorry for waking you up Ms. Venus- may I come in?" Dumbledore asked.

"I- uh... sure just- excuse the mess" Spencer said as she made way for her headmaster to come in.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Spencer asked as she closed her door and walked in front of him.

"No thank you dear, I won't be here long" Dumbledore said as he looked around her apartment.

"Are these quarters to your liking?" Dumbledore asked.

"Very much- it's nicer than having to share with girls" Spencer giggled.

Dumbledore smiled at her. "Right... well the reason I'm here," he said as he walked towards her bookshelf, "Severus told me about... Emily"

"Of course" Spencer said as she fidgeted with her fingers.

"and I was rather surprised when he said, correct me if I'm wrong, you don't want to know what it is?" He asked.

"You are correct sir" Spencer replied as she played with Remus' sweater.

"May I ask, why?" He said while still studying her books.

"Well, sir, as much as knowledge is power... I must admit that I'm rather scared that if I find out what I am, others will too. I don't know the extent of this and honestly I don't want to find out" Spencer answered.

"Emily said herself that the time will come in which I will understand my "gift." Until that time... I'd rather not know" Spencer added.

"Ms. Venus, Spencer, if I may?" Dumbledore asked, Spencer nodded.

"Research could be done, of course, to see the extent of this. You're a powerful witch, no one can deny it. You hardly have a hard time with your studies, you're at the top of your class. However if you intend to over time come to terms with it, I understand." Dumbledore replied.

"Yes sir... I do" Spencer said, Dumbledore turned to look at her and smiled.

"You are a wonderful young lady" Dumbledore replied as he walked towards her.

"I'm sure if any complications arise... you know you can come to Severus or me... maybe even Remus" Dumbledore inquired.

"Yes I understand you, Professor Snape, and Lupin can be of help" Spencer said.

"I would appreciate it if you would tell Professor Snape to not conduct research as I'm sure he's already started" Spencer added, Dumbledore chuckled.

"I'll tell him you do not want research conducted- and how much you hope he respects your wishes. However words with Severus ever go so far as you may know" Dumbledore said.

Spencer shifted her eyes to the other side of the room, staring at the floor. "Yes... I know" she answered.

"I do hope you know he only wants what's best for you..." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"If you ever want to conduct research of your own, no matter when, you are always welcome to use our resources" he added.

"Thank you sir" Spencer said and she nodded her head with a smile.

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