54. 3 cows

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"I'm bored" Spencer said as she looked up from her text book.

"Ok" Snape replied from his desk.

"Let's play a game" she closed her book.


"Why not"

"This is detention"


"Meaning that you don't get to do anything enjoyable for the next," he looked up at the clock, "twenty minutes."


"I am so scared" he said in a monotone voice.

Spencer chuckled.

"Fine, if you won't speak then I'll tell you a story" she spoke.


"Why not"

"I'm busy"

"You don't have to listen to it" she rolled her eyes.

Snape sighed.

"Guess what happened over Christmas" she leaned over her desk.

"I thought I didn't have to listen" he replied marking a paper.

"You really weren't going to listen?"

Snape rolled his eyes before setting his pen down.

"I'm listening" he intertwined his hands.

Spencer smiled before telling Snape about her grandfather.

His eyes widened slightly when the comment of Spencer having children arose.

"I know! Me! Kids" she chuckled.

"Well it's not a crazy idea" he shrugged. "You're good with Potter, the twins are practically half your age. Mentally you're older than every student here, I'm surprised you can stand them" he added.

Spencer lifted her head a bit higher.

"You mean that?"

"No" he looked back down at the paper, picking up the pen. "You're still that insolent child from first year"

Spencer smiled at him, though he couldn't see but knew.

"I wouldn't say insolent... I stand my ground and you don't like that" she shrugged.

"Yeah" he answered not paying attention.

"You know sometimes I wonder what you were like as a kid"


"Cold, calculating, quiet"

He nodded.

"Maybe annoying, bratty, overall a danger to society"

"I agree"

"I guess that's what made you into a big scary potions master" she added.

"You find me scary?" he looked up, sounding pleased.

Spencer widened her eyes, "truly terrifying" she nodded.

"At last, she admits it" he looked back down.


"My nose hurts" Spencer said walking into her home, finding Remus on the couch.

He pet the empty space beside him as she took of her shoes. "Is this about you breathing cold air that one time?"

"Dunno" she laid her head on his lap.

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