85. Murder was on my mind

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Remus and Arthur had gone out, Molly was out in the garden with Ginny while Ron and Harry flew outside.

Fred, George, and Spencer sat in the living room listening to the radio.

Out of nowhere, Spencer spoke.

"Do you guys think it's bad to compartmentalize?" she asked, staring at the floor.

George lowered the news paper he had in hand, "is this a hard question?"

"Yeah, am I going to get in trouble?" Fred asked.

"No" she chuckled, "I just- is it bad that I do that?"

"I don't think so" George shrugged. "You end up dealing with it anyway, just at another time" he went back to his news paper.

"Yeah," Fred nodded, "it's not like you're ignoring everything" he shrugged. "Why?"

"My dad said I compartmentalized when Emily died, said I never talked about her" she answered.

"What a dick" he shook his head.

"Wasn't he right?" she looked up at him.

"No" George replied. "Everyone deals with shit differently, plus you were in a really shitty situation. You did nothing wrong" he set his paper down. "If you don't want to talk about her, then don't. You don't owe him, or anyone, anything."

"Yeah, I mean- she's your sister, you deal with her death how you feel the need to. And if it's not a good coping mechanism eventually you'll get better, we'll help you get better" Fred added.

"You know we're not just your friends Spencer... right?" Fred asked.

Spencer stared at her roommates empty bed, this was the third day in a row she skipped dinner.

"We're family" George said.

"We'll always be here for you" Fred continued.

They were down on their knees, looking at her.

"This is what family does, they take care of one another. And just because you're having a rough patch does not mean we are going to leave you behind" George caressed her face.

Spencer hit his hand away.

Fred sighed, his head down.

"We'll be here, whenever you're ready. Whenever you want help" he whispered.

"You are not my friends or my family. Stop pretending that you fucking care" she turned their back to them.

"Thanks" she smiled at them. "Thank you... for everything" she repeated, nodding.

George threw a pillow at her head, "now quit being sad, you're ruining the vibe."

Spencer laughed, "apologies" she fixed her hair.

She sneezed.

George sighed, standing up and leaving the room.

Spencer giggled.

"There should be a surgery to get rid of your allergies" Fred shook his head.

"Yeah it's called death" she replied.

George came back, throwing her a cough drop, and sitting back down.

"Ew this is cherry flavor" she opened it.

"We're out of strawberry" he said.

"Bleh" Spencer shook her head, eating it.

Soon they all heard the sound of apparition coming from outside.

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