145. Time will tell

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Spencer opened her eyes, she squinted as the room was too bright.

She furrowed her brows as she realized she wasn't in her home.

Her head hurt.

"What the fuck" she groaned to herself.

She tried to remember what happened. How she ended up there.

She remembered the party. Something happened with Remus.

"What the fuck" she sat up, her head hurt really bad.

She rubbed her eyes.

She looked down at what she was wearing, an oversized tee and no pants.

Where did her pants go?

She got out of the room and went downstairs, she found Sirius in the kitchen.

"Hello darling" he put the news paper down.

"Shh" she shook her head. "Why are you yelling."

He chuckled, "your hair is a mess" he noted.

"Why didn't I go home last night?" she asked as she ran her hand through her hair.

The front door opened, they both turned to see who it was.

They were breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath.

Remus came into the kitchen, he stood in place as he saw Spencer.

Spencer's eyes widened slightly as she remembered something happened between then last night.

She smacked him.

Why did she?

"Hi" he looked at her.

She looked down at her legs, she pulled her shirt down.

"Where are my pants?" she asked Sirius.

"Dunno" he shrugged.

"I need to leave" she answered. "And where's my wand?"

"Dunno" he drank his tea.

With a hand movement, she magically pushed the cup slightly. She caused the tea to fall over him.

He looked down, sighing at the mess.

He took his shirt off, then poured himself more tea.

"Where's Andrew?"

"He went home, gave him a sober up potion" Sirius answered.

"Give me one" she walked up to him.

"Nop" he smiled before sitting down.

"I have one" Remus spoke. "It's in my room" he added.

She stared at him for a second, something happened.

What happened?

"Thanks" she nodded.

He turned to go up to find it, she followed him.

There was an awkward silence.

She stood outside his door as he looked for it, he handed her a pair of pants.

"Thanks" she whispered, putting them on and magically making them smaller.

Then he handed her the cure, she took it. "Yuck" she shook her head.

He laughed, "give it a minute."

She felt better after the minute, she gave him a small smile.

She looked at him, for the first time she actually looked at him.

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