101. His smile

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"Hermione wait!" Harry ran, "will you please tell me what it is we're doing!"

She held up a hand, silencing him. Annoyed, Harry followed her gaze and blinked in disbelief. Across the grounds he heard her voice.

"You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione exclaimed from far away, her wand pointed at Draco's neck.

He sees himself, along with Hermione and Ron, confronting Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle near the monoliths.

"I am never taking a nap ever again" Spencer looked with a smirk.

"Hermione no! it's not worth it" Ron said.

"But that... that's... us. This is not... normal" Harry chocked.

Hermione pushed him against the wall and brought out the device, "This is a Time-Turner, Harry. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year."

Spencer stared at them for a few seconds before looking back down.

"You mean, we've gone back in time?" she heard Harry ask.

"Yes. Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly something happened he wants us to change."

A punch is heard, "Holy shit" Spencer laughed. "Good punch Hermione."

"Thanks" she smiled. "He's coming this way" Hermione pulled them.

"Not a word of this to anyone, understood! I'll get that jumped- up Mudblood one of these days. Mark my words" they heard him say.

Spencer rolled her eyes.

Past Harry, Ron, and Hermione began walking to Hagrid's hut.

They began following a distance away.

"Look. Buckbeak's still alive!"

"They killed him today?" Spencer faced him.

"I didn't want to wake you" he answered.


"Of course! Remember what Dumbledore said! If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared" Hermione cut her off. "Sorry" she apologized.

"Wait, Buckbeak? But... how will saving Buckbeak help Sirius?" Spencer asked.

"We'll see" Hermione answered, they continued to walk down.

They duck behind a pile of pumpkins. Peering into the hut, Harry sees Hermione and Ron embrace awkwardly.

"Interesting" Spencer said.

Harry grins, then turns, only to find Hermione analyzing the moment with confusion.

Spencer looks toward the slope and sees Fudge and the others approaching.

"Shit" she spoke.

"Here they come. I better hurry" Harry tried to stand.

"No!" Hermione and Spencer said simultaneously, Hermione pulled him down.

"We have to save him" Harry reasoned.

"Think this through Harry" Spencer replied.

"Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free!" Hermione saved him the time.

Harry nods, then looks toward the hut. Inside, Hagrid is handing Scabbers to Ron.

"That's Pettigrew-" as he starts to rise, Hermione grabs him and pulls him down again.

"Harry! You can't!"

"Hermione, that's the man who betrayed my parents! You don't expect me to just sit here."

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