92. Taking the easy way out

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"You promised you'd talk to him" Fred sat beside her.

"When I looked for him he was already gone" she said as she kept writing on her paper. "I don't know when he'll be back" she shrugged.

"Know where he is?" George asked as he saw Snape at the front of the classroom.

"Yes. Looking at wedding catalogs with mom" Fred sighed.

"What?" George laughed, sitting down.

"Fred" Spencer shook her head.

"Nothing" Fred said in reply to George.

"Silence" Snape said as he looked over. "Today we will be going over-"

Spencer shut him out.

I don't want to be here anymore, she told herself. Not like that... well maybe like that, kidding!

"What's so funny?" George asked as he saw her chuckling to herself.

She shook her head in reply.

She spent the rest of class time staring at her desk, copying the notes Fred wrote down.

As class ended, Spencer gathered her things and walked out.

"Hey" Andrew reached out for her shoulder.

"Hi" Spencer smiled as she turned around. "What's up?"

He shrugged, "you were weird this morning, quiet, do you want to hang out?"

"Thought you preferred me quiet" she laughed.

"It was a weird quiet" he said.

"I'm fine" she smiled softly.

"I didn't ask that" he replied.

She sighed, looking to her side.

"What about a walk?" he asked. "It's nice outside" he smiled.

"Sure" she smiled back, "let's drop our things off in my room?"

He nodded and they walked to her room.

"So how's Eliot?" she asked.

"Eliot is Eliot" he answered with a shrug.


"You first" he pointed his chin at her.

She chuckled, "let's just drink some wine."

"Your words, not mine" he followed her into the kitchen.

Spencer put out the wine and got glasses.

"Who's Sev?" Andrew said as he read the note on the wine.

"Old friend" she replied.

"This says happy birthday."

"Friendship ended a couple days ago" she smiled at Andrew. "Now," she passed him the glasses, "pour me some before I start crying."

He nodded, opening the bottle and pouring it.

"Oh, hello" Andrew said to Nox, Nox yawned in response.

"Good morning Nox" Spencer got down on her knees and pet him. "Go eat breakfast."

"You have a cat" Andrew said.

"Found him" she nodded.

He nodded before taking his glass. "Well... if it's something Sev has, it's taste" Andrew said after taking a sip.

Spencer gave him a small smile, "let's go to the living room."

He followed her.

"So, how many bottle of wine will we go through until you tell me what's up?"

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