8. Black

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Of course, after that conversation, Spencer skipped dinner.

She went straight to the lake in hopes of finding the dog she had seen last time.

Much to her surprise, he was there.

In the month and a half that she wasn't with Remus or her friends, she would spend it with the dog.

She even named him.

"What about fluffy" she asked.

He growled in response, "ok ok not fluffy"she laughed.





The dog in response jumped around.

"Ok, black it is" she said as she pet him. "Who's a good boy, huh? Who's a good boy."

Spencer eventually confided in the dog, mostly about her day and how stressed she was.

She couldn't tell anyone else, it would ruin Remus... and quite honestly her.

"I know what you're thinking, "doesn't this girl have a life""she said talking to the dog. "Yes... I do have a life for your information" she laughed. "But right now it's complicated" she sighed. The dog got on her lap and comforted her.

"I miss him Black, a lot. I see the way he looks at me" she said as she pet him.

"I miss talking to him and flirting with him. He's a bad flirt sometimes you know" she said laughingly. "God... it's so complicated and I can't tell anyone else but you."

"He's my professor" she whispered.

The dog raised his head and looked at Spencer.

"No, don't look at me like that. When we met I didn't know he was my professor okay" she said as the dog laid back down on her lap.

"He's a good man, respectful and everything... but he said from the beginning we can't continue it. And I understand you know... I am his student after all, but sometimes I get the feeling he feels the same way. Then, he says 'Spencer...' and I remember the situation we're in."

"So anyway, that's why I spend my time with you. You're his replacement" she laughed. "C'mon let's go for a run Black what do you say?"

It had been a long time since Remus and Spencer were alone in the same room.

He had wanted to talk with her, but she always said not yet or soon.

She kept to her word, if he needed her in a class she was there.

If they needed to talk she was there, except if it was about anything personal.

She hated avoiding him, and he hated being avoided.

Remus couldn't make up his mind.

He didn't know what to feel about the whole situation, he did want to spend time with her.

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