97. You know where I am

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"Did you bring our-" George tried to say.

Spencer took the food Molly sent over out of her bag and handed it to him.

Fred smirked.

"How'd it go?" he asked.

"Good" she nodded. "All is well" she smiled.

"You haven't read it have you" George asked.

Spencer looked at the floor before looking at them again, "I'd rather be in the comfort of my own home I guess" she shrugged.

They gave her a small smile. "Come," Fred reached for her hand, "there's an eager 13 year old boy waiting to see you."

Spencer took it and they walked to the castle. She dropped off her bag before the twins led her to the dining hall.

There was a comfort in holding Fred's hand. They'd done it since they were kids.

He doesn't pull her but rather walked at her pace.

He doesn't caress her hand but he would kiss the top of it.

Suddenly, all the anxiety went away.

Because she knows no matter how bad it- she- gets, they'll never leave her.

As they walked through the doors she immediately saw Harry brighten up.

She smiled at him as they walked closer, he smiled widely.

She looked at the Professor table, once she saw Remus looking at her he immediately looked away.

A smile on his face as McGonagall talked to him.

She smiled to herself as she sat next to Harry, ruffling his hair.

He laughed as he tried to stop her, "feeling better?" he asked.

"Yeah," Spencer smiled, "way better."

He nodded and began eating his food.

"So what'd mom say?"

"That me and Percy have a lot in common" she replied with a disgusted face.

The twins fake barfed while Andrew laughed.

"You know, this wouldn't be a problem if you'd just let them meet your boyfriend" George spoke.

"As if I'd ever do that to him" Spencer laughed.

Andrew smirked to himself as he drank his orange juice.

"Are you going to classes today?" Fred asked.

"No, I'm so tired" she shook her head. "The bus to the train station gave me a headache."

"Plus the train I imagine" George nodded.

"Are you going to eat?" Fred asked.

"Yeah I'm just going to have a bite of something" she looked at the food on the table.

After a few seconds she grabbed some toast and put some jam on it.

"You want to finish my eggs? I put too much on my plate" George offered.

Spencer scrunched her nose as she looked at his plate.

"Please" he extended the e.

"Fine" she replied as he handed her the plate.

Her friends all shared a look she didn't notice.

"So, I've been thinking about what we'll do for our summer vacation" Andrew said.

Spencer chuckled to herself.

"What" Fred and George asked.

"Nothing" she shook her head, continuing to eat her eggs.

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