131. Can I still call?

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Even though we haven't talked in a while, I wanted to wish you a happy new year. I wanted to remind you that I love you... and that I'm still here.

I miss you,


"Are you sure?" Walter asked her for the third time.

"Yes. There's a cake in oven 3, cookies in 5, and 1 needs a cleaning. Besides, it's only an hour and a half... the place won't burn down."

Gracie snorted.

"Hey!" Spencer punched her shoulder.

"Appa, it's okay. She knows the number to 999."

"911" Spencer nodded.

"Not funny" he pointed at her, smiling.

"Go! I'll be okay!" she practically pushed him to the door.

"You have my number" he nodded.

"Yes. And 911, don't worry" she laughed. "Seriously, all will be well."

"Ok" he nodded. "Gracie, let's go" he took her arm.

"Fire extinguisher is below the cash register and there's another one in the kitchen" she chuckled before leaving.

Spencer got a head start on the oven, making sure the timers were near by so she could hear them.

Twenty minutes passed, she continued scraping grease and burnt pastries from the bottom of the oven.

The bell from the front door rang.

Her eyes widened as she looked down at herself- her clothes, including her apron, were a mess.

She took off her gloves before leaving the kitchen.

"Good morning! I'll be with you in just a second" she walked toward the apron's and tried to get a new one.


She turned around before getting to her intended destination.

"Mason! Hey" she walked toward the register, standing in front of him.

The table between them.

He smiled awkwardly.

She wondered why.

A few moments passed before she realized.

"Shit- I'm sorry- I forgot to call you" she shook her head.

He shook his head, "all is well" he laughed. "Just thought you weren't interested" he shrugged.

"I was! I mean- I am? I don't know it's..." she let out an awkward laugh. "There's been a lot going on and I'm barely getting it together."

"No worries" he smiled.

"I did intend to call you though- life just got in the way" she shrugged.

"I get it" he nodded.

He brought his hand up the her face, wiping something off of her cheek.

"Ugh! Gross" she chuckled.

She held his wrist, bringing his hand closer to her apron so he could wipe it off.

He stared at her hand on his.

She left go once his hand was clean.

He cleared his throat, "So, you work here?"

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