73. *Love's joy

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As Remus slowly woke up he realized the morning he was about to have.

He first felt his hand on Spencer hair, then the noise coming from her, and finally her mouth sucking him off.

"Good morning" he kept his eyes closed, relishing it in.

"Mm" she replied, not wanting to take her mouth off him.

After five minutes he spoke again.

"Turn around" he let her hair go.

"Remus, it's your birthday" she replied, looking at him.

"Then shouldn't I get what I want?" he quirked an eyebrow.

She smiled and turned around, then began sucking him off again.

Remus licked her slowly, teasing her entrance.

"Fuck, you're dripping" he spoke into her.

He felt her smile on him, as well as the back of her throat.

He placed two fingers inside, playing with her.

"Fuck Spencer, I'm close" he moaned.

She bobbed her head quicker.

"Spence" he pulled his head back as he came into her mouth.

Spencer turned back around, licking the cum that fell out off of him.

He stared at the sight, his eyes never leaving hers.

He saw as she swallowed, smiling.

She moved up, sitting on his hips.

"Happy birthday" she whispered before kissing him.

"Can I tie you up?" he asked.

"You can do anything you'd like" she whispered in his ear before kissing his neck.

"Lay down" he lightly smacked her butt.

She chuckled before doing so, Remus stood up and walked toward their dresser.

He grabbed five ties, showing them to her.

"You'll tell me if it starts hurting?" he wrapped one around her ankle.

"Yes Professor" she nodded.

Remus tied her hands the headboard, finally wrapping the last one over her eyes.

She bit her lip in anticipation.

She heard him leave the room, he came back with an ice cube in hand.

He got on the bed, placing himself on her.

Remus put the ice cube between his teeth, getting closer to her neck.

Spencer pulled on the headboard, a small gasp leaving her mouth.

He drew the ice around her breasts, his hand on her waist.

He widened her legs, letting drops of water hit her entrance.

Spencer arched her back, Remus stared as her breasts bounced.

He bit the ice, swallowing it, moving his head lower and licking her.

She let out a moan, "Remus."

"Yes my love" his back straight.

"I need you" she spoke.

"I know" he dragged himself on her. "I know" he pushed himself in.

He slowly thrusted into her, Spencer melted to his touch.

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