94. I saw your list

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Remus woke up and saw Spencer staring at the ceiling.

He rubbed his eyes before he saw the universe she projected.

"Oh" he spoke out loud. "What are we doing?"

"Just thinking" she shrugged.

"About?" he reached for her hand.

"I need you to trust me" she whispered. "I need you to know what if anything ever happened... I'd be the one to tell you."

"Okay" he replied. "I'm-."

"I know" she whispered. "Please stop apologizing."

"I was an ass."

"Yeah" she answered. "But I said we were bound to fight" she shrugged.

"Is it really fight if we didn't actually talk?"

"The Cold War" she nodded.

"Who's who" he smirked.

"Forget America and Russia" she said. "You're the moon and I'm Saturn" she faced him, smiling.

"Not Venus?"

"Too on the nose" she shook her head.

"Oh and the moon isn't?" he laughed.

"Of course not" she smiled. "We'll be fine, right?"

"I want to be fine" he nodded. "Do you think we'll be fine?"

"Yeah" she admitted.

"Me too" he replied. "We'll work towards being fine, better than fine. We'll be fantastic" he smiled.

Spencer smiled back, looking down at his lips before looking up.

"Kiss me" she said.

"We shouldn't kiss just because-"

"Why do we have to be in this weird space" she shrugged. "You know it, I know it..."


"Nothing has changed" she shook her head. "We had an argument, we'll get past it... but if you-"

Remus got closer, running his thumb on her lower lip before kissing her softly.

She smiled against him.

"Tell me" he said.

"Tell you what?"

"What's going on in that head of yours."

"Nothing" she answered.

"I know something is wrong... I feel it."

"It's complicated" she whispered, looking away. "I'm complicated."

"I don't want to solve you, I just want to understand" he caressed her face.

She smiled softly at him.

"Snape came and gave me an old notebook of mine. It's... it's not great" she admitted.

"Why did he give back to you?"

"I have to draft a statement, for the trial."

He nodded.

"And- I don't really remember a lot... so hence the notebook" she nodded. "I kind of assumed when I got to it, it would just come to me."

"What's in it?"

"I haven't really read it yet, so far I'm a couple pages in."

He rubbed her shoulder.

"I'll be there for you" he brought her in for a hug.

"I know" she whispered.

He kissed her shoulder.

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