72. *Stay with me

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For a whole week Remus woke up to Spencer having nightmares.

Though she wouldn't say what they were, she did speak in her sleep.

The nightmares were of the following people:




And mom.

He found it intriguing that the only time she'd say mom was in her sleep, while awake, rarely ever speaking about her, she'd say mother.

She didn't skip classes, she made more appearances at dinner, she held her head high.

She went to detention and came home exhausted.

Not because of what she had to do, but because of who she had to spend time with.

Snape still hadn't apologized or tried to speak to her.

And if this is what he wanted, this is what he'll get.

She was tired.

Tired of fighting for something that in the end seemed hopeless.

Especially with everything going on, she didn't need this.

She didn't want to focus on the negative.

She wanted to focus on the positive.

She had wonderful friends.

Sirius looked healthy.

She was healthy.

Harry was happy.

Remus' birthday was coming soon.

And he was so wonderful and understanding.

She'd cry into his chest and he'd say it's okay to do so because it was.

The letter her father had written explained that Dumbledore had reached out; however, he'd only go if Spencer wished for him to be there.

He'd only speak up for her if she wanted him to.

I know what I said and I'll keep my word but your headmaster contacted me about a fight, what's that about? I thought you and Melissa were friends?

You're not a violent person, I know that. So I hope you're well.

He said you got detention for two months, can't play in that sport with the broom, and won't be able to go out.

If you want me to go and talk to him, let me know.

Or I'll talk to your grandfather, I'm sure he'll also be willing to set time aside.

I do wish to know if you're okay.


The other letter was from Harry.

Apparently it wasn't just her grade that saw the photos.

Somehow, they also found their way to his classroom.

He wanted her to know that Ron and Hermione helped take them down, and that it's okay if she wanted space but that he'd still be there.

You'll live,
I love you - always.

He wrote.

"Your life is a telenovela" Emily said from the couch.
(soap opera)

"Yes Em, thank you for reminding me" she smiled sarcastically.

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