143. Keep me company

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Harry's body twitched. "No" he whispered. "No!" he yelled out.

Spencer slowly woke up, opening her eyes slightly and looking at Harry.

"Cedric!" he screamed, eyes closed.

"Harry?" Spencer sat up. "You're dreaming Jamie, you're okay" she rubbed his arm.

"Leave him alone! Take me" he shook his head.

"Harry" she said louder.


"Harry" she shook him slightly. "You're dreaming, you're okay. You're safe, wake up."

Harry's eyes opened quickly, widening as he punched her back. His legs were beside her hips, his arm against her neck.

Spencer gasped for air, hitting his back as he pushed down harder.

"You're okay" she croaked. "Harry- you're hurting me" she said out of air. "You're hurting me" her voice croaked.

Harry looked around the room, taking it in. As he realized where he was, and what he was doing, he pushed himself away from her.

Spencer coughed, soothing her neck with her hand.

"I'm- I'm sorry" he said shamefully.

She sat up, shaking her head, "it's okay. Just a nightmare."

He got out of the bed, "I'm sorry" he said before leaving her room.

She got out of bed and applied salve on her neck, trying to get rid of the visible redness.

"Lily" she whispered. "Lily."

James appeared. "Hi."

"Hey James."

"Lily's gardening, told me you called?"

"Oh, uhm, yeah" she awkwardly looked around.

"If it's about girl stuff, I'd say I'm pretty well versed in the subject" he smiled.

She chuckled, "I'm sure you are" she sat down on her bed. "Not girl stuff, it's about Harry."

"What's up?"

"Well, he's been having nightmares" Spencer answered. "Usually he's just talking in his sleep, but this time..."

"What happened?"

"I tried waking him up, and... well he pushed me over and pressed his arm down on my neck" she confessed. "And he ran away to his room... I'm worried they'll be worse when he leaves."

He sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's- I know it was an accident. But how do I help him with that? I mean, nightmares are scary by themselves but he hurt me. I know he's beating himself up about it."

"Sirius always talked about his nightmares, said it made him feel better" he offered.

Spencer nodded, "yeah."

"I'm sure it's guilt that's fueling them, guilt doesn't easily go away. You just learn to live with it." He walked toward her bed, sitting beside her. "I appreciate all you do for him, I don't know if I ever thanked you."

She shook her head, "you don't have to."

"I do, if I were alive you'd feel my appreciation."

She sniffled, nodding. "Sometimes I feel like he's better off without me."

"That's not true" he shook his head. "He'd be alone without you, and probably less emotionally aware of himself."

She gave him a teary smile, "I'd hug you if I could" he frowned.

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