48. Happy New Year

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Spencer woke Remus up with a kiss. He smiled as he opened his eyes and saw her.

"Good morning love" he said with his morning voice, which Spencer loved.

"Hi" she smiled.

Remus shuffled and placed himself on top of her, his head on the crook of her neck.

Spencer chuckled as his stubble tickled her.

"Sorry" he kissed her neck. "I'll shave I promise" he chuckled.

"Don't" she caressed his hair.

"I have to" he shook his head.

"Why must you hate me" she replied.

"I could never hate you" he looked up smiling. "I just don't think a beard would look good on my face" he kissed her.

"Yeah yeah" she looked at him. "You hate me" she crunched her nose.

"Shut up" he chuckled before kissing her again.

"Let's get breakfast" he pointed his head at the door.

Spencer nodded and saw as he changed his clothes.

"You're not changing?" he asked as he put a shirt on.

Spencer shrugged, "who am I impressing" she smiled.

"Oh how I wish those days would return" he joked.

"Asshole" she hit his shoulder.

"I'm kidding" he smiled. "I don't think I need to remind you how beautiful you are every day."

"It would be nice to hear it once in a while"

"Maybe tomorrow" he winked.

Spencer chuckled before opening the door and walking downstairs.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she saw a note on the dinner table.

Missing some decorations, we'll be home later.

"So," he said as he read the letter and walked further into the kitchen, "what does the lady want for breakfast" he asked as he looked through the fridge.

"Just make me some toast, I'm saving my appetite for later" she pet her belly.

"Well I want pancakes so you have to eat pancakes" he replied taking out the ingredients.

Spencer smiled and didn't argue.

"Want me to help?" she asked.

"Remember last time we tried baking together?" he turned around and asked.

"You started it" she pointed at him.

"I'll worry about the cooking, you just sit down and look pretty" he kissed her.

"But that's such a hard task" she whined.

"Oh how ever will you survive" he said before kissing her once more and prepping the pancakes.

As he cooked, Spencer just stared at him. Smiling as he never realized she was looking.

When he finished he opened the fridge again, taking out fruit for them.

"No not the grapes, I need those for later" she said taking them out of his hand and putting them back in.

"For what?" he asked.

"Tradition" she shrugged.

"Why do you need the grapes?"

"After midnight you eat twelve grapes and make twelve wishes for the new year- its... it's something my family and I used to do" she smiled.

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