144. Happy Fucking Birthday

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"Spencer! You came" Sirius walked across the living room, a bottle of whiskey in hand.

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before hugging her.

"Andrew!" Sirius kissed him as well before hugging him.

Andrew laughed softly, a blush coming across his cheeks.

"Can I get you something?" he asked Spencer. "Scotch? Gin and tonic? Martini?"

"Yes" she answered.

"This is why I love you" Sirius laughed. "Andrew?"

"I'll follow you to the liquor station" he nodded.

"Alright, but I don't just make out for free. Got that?" Sirius walked away.

Andrew chuckled as he followed.

Spencer giggled as she watched them leave.

"Hi!" a woman with purple hair came up to her. "I'm Tonk's, you're Venus- right?"

"Spencer," she nodded awkwardly, "it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise! It's nice to have a girl around" she giggled.

Spencer nodded, "the testosterone gets a bit much sometimes" she agreed.

She laughed, "Remus was right, you are funny."

"Professor Lupin?"

"Yeah, Remus" she nodded. "You can call him by his first name you know, you're not in school anymore."

"I don't know, I think it's a bit weird" she shrugged.

"I don't think he'd mind, he's very friendly" she smiled.

"I haven't really talked with him, it's not like we're friends. Besides, I don't mind" she smiled. "You're an Auror right?"

"Yes," she nodded, "whatever happened to you joining?"

Spencer's eyes widened slightly, "oh- uhm, you know" she shrugged. "Just stuff got in the way" she nodded. "How did you-"

"Leave her alone cousin, this one is mine" Sirius came up to them and handed Spencer two drinks.

"Cousin?" Spencer asked, wondering if this was the cousin that liked Remus.

"Technically her mom and I are cousins, but I am not an uncle. Let's not get into all that- drink up" he guided the drink up to her mouth.

Spencer chuckled as she downed the first drink and placed it down.

"That's my girl" he smirked.

"Shut up" she giggled.

"Come dance with me" Sirius dragged her to the middle of the room.

"That's her?" she asked.

He nodded, dancing with her.

"She's pretty" she smiled.

"You're gorgeous" he replied. "Are you getting drunk tonight?"

"No, I drove here" she shook her head.

"Should've apparated" he rolled his eyes.

"I am a responsible adult" she shrugged. "Besides, I like driving."

"I'll never understand you."

"That's the best part about me- my mysterious aura" she winked.

The two finished up their dance and chatted with the people that showed up.

She was sure by the way Sirius held onto her waist people assumed they were an item.

"You're very handsy today" she noted.

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