14. Friends

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After a few moments of being in pure bliss, Spencer's smile was quickly gone.

She let go of the man she was holding and turned her back to him.

"What's wrong?" Remus asked.

She brought her thumb to her mouth and started biting on her nail.

He walked in front of her and took her hand, looking at her in the eyes.

"Talk to me Spencer" he said.

"Last time we were talking we..."

"I think last time we got caught up in the moment" he said laughingly.

She joined in with a giggle, "definitely."

She moved her body towards him, embracing him in a hug.

He was quick to accept it. It was a beautiful moment.

How their bodies just connected and fit perfectly together.

It was the height difference and the way Remus could rest his chin on the top of her head.

It was the way that Spencer's head rested on his chest and how she could hear his heartbeat.

The feeling in her chest reminded her of the first time she saw him the the cafe.

Spencer looked to the window and saw the moon once again.

It was there with them, like in London.

She smiled.

She pulled away from the hug but still held him.

She looked him in the eye and gave him a light smile, so did he.

"I should go" Spencer said.

"You're sure?" Remus asked, he saw something in her face. Regret? he asked himself.

"Yeah, I should get some sleep" Spencer answered.

He moved and kissed her forehead, "ok" he answered.

There were a few moments of awkward silence.

Their hands still intertwined.

"Spencer... if you don't want to do this we don't- I don't want to pressure you into anything" Remus admitted.

"I know" Spencer replied.

"You can call this off-"

"Remus... I want this." She rubbed her thumb on his hand, he looked down at their hands and smiled. "I want you" she added.

She smiled and kissed him on the lips, "goodnight."

"Goodnight" he replied.

Spencer left his classroom and walked to her room. It almost felt like she was floating.


Spencer woke up to the sun hitting her in the face, she moved around the bed not wanting to wake up.

She then opened her eyes in remembrance of what happened last night.

Was that a dream?

No way... right?

oh my god...

She said to herself while sitting up in bed.

She rubbed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair.

She decided to part in half a make two quick braids for the day.

She stood up to her dresser to change.

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