15. Taking care of Sirius Black

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Spencer walked back to her room and found something to change into.

It would look suspicious if a student were found in Hogsmeade on a weekday.

She got a bag and made her way to town.

She went into a small shop and got medicine, shampoo, a loofah, a towel, as well as some rags to put in hot water.

She also got some food from the nearby Chinese restaurant... she smiled in remembrance of their first meeting.

She walked back to the shack and lightly whispered, "Sirius... are you awake?"

"No" he whispered back.

"How are you feeling? better? worse?" she asked as she took off her sweater and walked into the room.

"I'm okay" he said.

She walked up to him and placed her palm on his forehead, "Jesus, Black, you're sweating like a pig" Spencer said.

"Thanks, I couldn't tell."

"Might he food poisoning... C'mon, let's go" Spencer said as she placed her arm around him and picked him up.

"Bloody hell Spencer, what are you doing" he said as he was trying to regain his balance.

"We're going to shower" Spencer said as she walked toward the bathroom.

"Spencer, I like you and all, but you're not really my type" he said laughingly.

"Trust me... I don't want to have shower sex with you" she replied giggling.

"Why not? I'm a catch" Sirius said.

"As you said, you're not really my type" Spencer stated as she sat him down on the toilet seat.

She started filling the tub with water.

"You could be my type" Sirius said as he placed his forearm on the sink.

"You could be too, but my heart is set on someone else" she said as she started taking his clothes off.

"No looking" Sirius said.

"Trust me, I won't" she replied.

"So... heart set on someone else huh. What have I missed then?" he asked as she had her eyes closed.

"Oh nothing much just... we're, as some would say, a couple" Spencer said, Sirius could hear the smile on her face.

"So boyfriend and girlfriend, huh?" Sirius said.

"Not really into labels right now, but he did say 'I want you and only you' so... yeah I'd say he's my boyfriend or whatever" Spencer stated.

"Okay you can open them now" he said as he sat in the tub.

"Nice tattoos" she saw his chest, he smiled at her.

She slowly started cleaning him, using a bowl to bring up the water to wash his hair.

She took the shampoo out of her bag and started, "Your hair is beautiful" she said.

"Calm down princess, you have a man" he said.

She laughed at his comment, "God just take the compliment Black" she said.

He turned his head back to face her and replied "Thank you."

After Spencer washed his head, it slowly moved to his shoulder.

He was at peace, after a really really long time.

For the first time, in a long time, someone cared about him.

Someone care for him.

She continued to wash him, once she was done she reached for the towel and placed it over him.

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