38. Arriving at the Burrow

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"Spencer that alarm has been ringing for 2 minutes" Remus said as he softly moved her. "Seriously you're the heaviest sleeper I know" he groaned as he turned it off himself.

"Mmh" Spencer faintly replied.

"You need to pack darling" Remus said as he laid back in place.

"Mmh" she replied.

"Love" he said as he turned to face her.

"Shh" Spencer whispered as she placed her index finger on his lips.

"You're funny" he smiled before taking her hand off his lips. "Wake up please" he added as he kissed her shoulder. Remus got startled as her case dragged itself out from under her bed. "A warning would've been nice" he spoke.

"Sleeping in would've been nice" she shrugged as she sat up, running a hand through her hair.

"You would've be late"

"More time with you" she yawned. Spencer looked to her left and saw herself in the mirror. "Jesus, my hair" she laughed.

"I love it" he said kissing her shoulder.

"Mm" she said leaning her head towards her right.

"Not happening" he chuckled, getting up from bed.

"I tried" she shrugged also getting up. Spencer stretched before walking to her dresser and looking for her clothes.

"Can I take this?" she asked, his pullover in her hands.

"Mmh," he nodded, "You can have it if you want" he added.

"Thanks" she chuckled before continuing to pack. Remus kissed her head before walking to the kitchen and making tea.

"Hey Remus!" Spencer called out.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Can you fix me a yogurt bowl please" she answered.

"Yeah" he said back.

"Thank you love"

"No problem" he smiled as he opened her fridge. "You're in luck, it expires today" he chuckled.

"Shit" she said to herself. "Remus I didn't think to buy food for the two weeks" Spencer said.

"I don't think Molly is going to starve you Spencer" he laughed.

"I meant for you silly!"

"Spencer I can go eat in the hall" he replied.

"What if you want a snack or something in the middle of the night" she said walking into the kitchen.

"Then I'll call my house elf, don't worry-"

"You have a house elf?" Spencer asked.

"Every Professor has one" he answered, handing her the bowl. "I don't use mine as much though, can't have her appear here right" he chuckled.

"Right" Spencer nodded as she sat down.

"Did I say something?" Remus asked as he noticed the look on her face.

"No it's just- I didn't know is all" she shrugged.

"They're taken care of here Spence, believe me" he said placing his hand on her shoulder.

She nodded as she looked down at her bowl, "thanks" she smiled at him.

"It's nothing" he replied before getting his tea.

Spencer smiled as she looked out the window, it was slightly snowing.

"Don't mess up my house" she told him.

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