90. Please come back

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"Wake up" Harry poked Spencer. "Wake up."

She sighed, "yes yes yes."

"Professor Lupin is making breakfast" he said.

"What?" she opened her eyes.

"Pancakes" he smiled.

"He's here?"

"Yeah he stayed the night, slept right next to you and everything" Harry laughed, but suddenly his eyes widened. "Did you tell him not to?"

"No! No- I mean- it's okay I just- we were- I guess-" she sat up. "Are you okay with it?"

"Well he didn't have his arm around me so I don't care" he laughed, petting Nox's head as he continued to sleep.

"How- what?"

"I woke up to go to the bathroom" he answered.

"Oh" she nodded. "Okay."

"Nox tired to get in," he laughed, "he put his paw under the door."

"He does that" Spencer nodded.

Harry looked up at her. "Do you want me to ask him to leave? Did he... are you uncomfortable?"

"No Harry it's fine- just," she shook her head, "you're not freaking out over your Professor in bed with us."

"He's not just my Professor" Harry shrugged. "Your couch is small and he's pretty tall, I just assumed you two stayed up talking and fell asleep."

"Yeah" she laughed. "Yeah" she nodded. "Come here" she pet the side of the bed. "You can't tell anyone he spent the night, okay?" she fixed his hair.

"Okay" he nodded.

"What no questions?"

He shook his head, "I get why he stayed and it's not like you two haven't shared a room before. Anyway, rumors like that could make him lose his job... I don't want that."

"How do you feel about him spending the night?"

"Why would I feel anything?"

"I don't know, you slept on the same bed maybe?" she asked.

"How do you feel?" he asked. "I know you like him" he smirked.

"Harry!" she smacked his shoulder.

"You totally do!" he laughed. "After you graduate I promise to put in a good word for you" he joked.

"You will do no such thing Harry James Potter."

He smiled widely, Spencer shook her head.

"If it makes you feel better, you were hugging me the entire night" he said.

"It does make me feel better, thank you" she replied.

"Now c'mon, I'm starving. Plus you said we could go see Ron this morning."

"Okay, okay. Just let me wake up" she stretched.

He nodded before leaving the room.

Remus came into the room a couple seconds later, "I'm sorry" he spoke.

"No it's... fine. I'm sure you heard" she replied.

"I did," he chuckled as he shook his head, "I'll be waiting for the good word he'll put in."

"You're not freaking out."

Meretricious | Professor LupinWhere stories live. Discover now