21. You hit me, I hit back

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Hey Clark!

I don't have a favorite Weasley remember...

I'm doing very well actually... nothing much is new- same old same old. Other than the fact that I am seeing someone :) Don't try and asking who- Fred got nothing out of me.

I'm sorry I haven't written, for my last year at Hogwarts has been most utterly busy. However, since you have not died yet I am assuming you're well.

I miss you too Bill, I'm really sorry for not being able to go during the Summer, I'll visit soon- promise! I know Arthur really wanted me to go and I'm sorry I had to disappoint.

Thank you for the invitation- I swear I'll use it

Summer was boring, I worked and whatnot. I met a girl! Alice was her name, but she had to leave. Bummer I know.

Seventh year is... well Seventh year. Nothing is boring without your brothers here.

Spencer Venus

P.S McGonagall def. wants me to work here... who knows, I might give in.


Two weeks had gone by quickly and the only thing Spencer noticed was how Remus didn't want to work on marking the papers Snape assigned.

"Why can't we look over them?" she asked as she sat on his desk.

"We can do other things in the meantime" he said while turning around and putting on a record.

"Cello Suite No. 1" she said as the music played.

"Gotta love Bach" he said while he walked over to her.

"Gotta love Bach... and Yo-Yo Ma" she added with a smile.

"May I have this dance?" he said as he bowed down and placed his hand forward.

"You may" she said as she grabbed his hand and hopped off his desk.

"I like these moments" she said as she rested her head on his chest.

"So do I" he said as he began swaying.

"They remind me of London" she whispered, he nodded.

"If you could go back, would you change it?" she asked without looking up at him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"If you could go back to when we met, would you change it if you knew the complications that lie ahead?" she explained.

"I don't think I would, would you?" he said softly.

"No" she answered. She looked up at him and smiled, "I like this, with or without complications" she shrugged. He nodded.

She rested her head back on his chest, "What's wrong Remus?"

"What do you mean love?"

"I feel like something is wrong" she whispered

"Nothing is wrong darling" he answered as he ran his hand through her hair.

"You'd tell me?" she asked.

Remus placed a kiss on her forehead, "I'd tell you" he said.

Of course he wouldn't, the thought of her knowing he was a werewolf frightened him more than anything. Things were well, great actually, better than ever, and how he wished and prayed that they stayed the same.

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