77. *Teacup

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"You make me want to scream!" Spencer paced.

"Good lord Spencer relax" Remus rolled his eyes from the couch. "I said eventually... I will do it eventually."

"You mean never, I might as well take it back."

Remus laughed, "come here" he pet his lap.

"No, It's too hot to be touching."

"Ven acá mocosa" he insisted.
(Come here brat)

Spencer faced him, "you did not just call me-"

"Ven" he quirked his eyebrow.

Spencer rolled her eyes before going to him, placing her knees beside him.

"I will read your silly little book-"

"Play" she cut in.

"Play about the weird guy who wants to fuck his mom" he chuckled.

"Remus he does not- oh forget about it!" she pulled away but he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly. "I don't know why you're so worried, there's so much time in the world" he smiled before kissing her jaw.

Spencer played with his hair, "sex is not going to make me forget" she whispered

"Oh I know" he laughed, taking his head back.

Spencer gave him a soft smiled before kissing his cheek.

"I feel like time passes by so quickly when I'm with you" she caressed his face.

"We'll beg for and borrow time" he replied.

Spencer took a deep breath in as she closed her eyes, laying her forehead against his.

"You're happy?" she asked.

He nodded, "why wouldn't I be?"

"There are more fish in the sea" she answered.

"I already have the one I want" he kissed her. "Are you happy?" he asked.

"Disgustingly so" she nodded with a chuckle.

Remus smiled at her, "I'm glad" he hugged her tightly. "That's all I want for you" he placed kisses on her collarbone.

"...ok fine let's go have sex" she whispered in his ear.

Remus swiftly lifted her shirt off, making her chuckle.

"I want to try something new" he kissed her neck.

"I'm always willing" she moved her hips slowly.

"I think we should get a safe word."

Spencer froze, making Remus take his head back.

"You don't want to carve your name on my back... right?"

Remus chuckled, shaking his head, "no but I think it's something we should have anyway" he shrugged.

"Ok but I have a limit" she replied.

"Which is?"

"No butt stuff" she shook her head.

Remus chuckled and nodded, "no butt stuff, now how about a safe word?"

"I like the sound of yabba dabba do" she smiled.

Remus laughed once more, "of course you do."

"Ok how about the basic yellow and red?" she asked.

"And how do you know they are basic?" he raised a brow.

"I've picked up smut novels, kill me" she shrugged.

"I think a punishment will suffice" he replied before standing up rapidly.

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