130. Be less sad

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Spencer spent December 31st in bed.

Then January 1st.

And 2nd.

And 3rd.

"Hello" Andrew knocked on her door day 5.

She turned her back to him, covering herself up with her blankets.

He opened the door.

"How are you?"

Spencer groaned in response.

He sat beside her, rubbing her back.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" he whispered.

She shrugged, eyes shut.

He sighed.

"You can't stay in your room forever."


"Can't" he shook his head. "You have work-"

"I don't go in until the 8th, please get out" she cut him off.


"Please..." she pleaded in a whisper.

He looked at her desk, a stack of unopened letters visible.

"Ok" he nodded. "I'll see you later then" he left her room.

Nox jumped on her bed, laying down next to her head.

"Hey buddy" she whispered. "I love you" she scratched behind his ear.

She could hear Andrew come back inside her room, however he didn't say anything before he left.

Three seconds passed before her phone rang.

She turned around and saw he put her phone on the end of her dresser.

She rolled her eyes as it continued to ring.

She let the caller go to voicemail.

Ten seconds passed before it rang again.

She ignored it.

It rang again.

"Pick it up!" Andrew exclaimed from the kitchen.

"Who is it!"

"How would I know!"

She let an annoyed breath out.

The ring ended before it rang again.

She stood up and answered.

"Third times the charm" Severus spoke from the other end.

"What do you want?"

"What happened to Hello? How are you?"

"Hello" she rolled her eyes to herself. "How are you?"



"We don't ignore each others calls."

"I was busy" she answered.

"We don't lie to one another" he added.

She sighed, "I was busy" she answered.


"Why are you calling?"

"Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year" she repeated.

"Why must you make everything difficult?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Can you tell me why you've shut yourself in your room?"

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