29. Not a date

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"So what's the plan for the date" Fred asked.

"Not a date" Spencer replied.

"Right sorry, whats the plan for later today when someone is hanging out with someone they like" he said.

Spencer looked up from her plate, "Fred can you stop please" Spencer asked.

"Stop what?" she heard from behind her.

"Nothing," Fred replied to Melissa, "Sorry" Fred apologized to Spencer.

Things had still been awkward between Spencer and Melissa, and to be honest Melissa was at the bottom of the things she had to worry about.

Spencer looked up at Remus who was taking a sip from probably the third cup of tea that day. She smiled to herself as she turned back and joined the conversation.

She was hardly paying attention, was it a date? if so, how could she signal she didn't want it to be?

She doesn't confirm nor deny that she's dating Fred, even Abigail had been iffy about asking Spencer in the first place because of him.

Then again, she still asked.

Spencer didn't want to lead her on, that wouldn't be nice to Abigail or to Remus.


Oh, Remus.

She turned to face him again, he was listening to Hagrid speak. Spencer rested her hand on her cheek as she watched.

Remus ran his hands through his hair as he turned to face her. He smiled softly at her and she returned it.

"You're coming right?" Spencer heard from in front of her.

"Sorry?" Spencer asked as she looked away from Remus and to Fred, taking her hand away from her cheek.

"Christmas" George answered.

"Oh" Spencer said sitting straighter.

Spencer looked at Remus who was back to looking at Hagrid, nodding at whatever he was saying. She felt a hand on hers, Hermione's.

Spencer turned to face her and clutched her hand.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going" she smiled at Fred.

She turned to Hermione, "are you?" she asked.

"New Year" Hermione answered.

"Great," Spencer replied with a smile, "great" she repeated.

"Yeah," Hermione said while taking her hand back, "took a lot of convincing... you know" Hermione shrugged.

Spencer smiled.

"Yeah... I know" Spencer said as she rubbed Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione's eyes widened, "sorry-"

Spencer shook her head, "let's eat breakfast huh?" she said changing the subject.

Hermione nodded.

"So Harry, what are your plans?" Spencer asked.

Harry looked up from his plate, confused.

"For... Christmas?" Spencer added with a chuckle.

"Oh, me and Ron will also"

"Ron and I" Hermione corrected.

"Ron and I," Harry repeated with an eye roll, "will also be going to the Burrow" he smiled.

"How'd that happen?" Spencer asked.

"Well my aunt and uncle think I'll be staying in the castle so" Harry shrugged.

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