104. Fly

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Spencer stared out her window, Hermione stared at her as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Spencer thought about how weird the situation was.

Everyone thought she was sad for different reasons.

The twins could assume it was about Addison.

Andrew knew.

Harry and Ron probably just assumed it was her time of the month.

Snape knew.

God, he knew.

Hermione probably knew, maybe that's why she was there.

She just needed confirmation.

Suddenly her phone rang.

"Hello?" she said weakly.

"Good morning sunshine" her grandfather laughed. "It's midday, time to wake up."

"I'm up" she replied.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Mhm, what's up?"

"Your friend is sun bathing" he answered.

"Good, he needs sun" Spencer nodded to herself.

He laughed.

"Yes he does" he replied.

"So, are you going to tell me what's up with him?"

Spencer sighed and closed her eyes, "he just needs to be away for a bit."

"Okay" he replied. "Are you going to tell me what's up with you?"

"I have a stomach virus, it's annoying" she answered.

"And... you're sure it's a virus?"

Spencer lightly chuckled, "yes, it's a virus."

"And, you know... you're negative."

"I'm not entertaining this conversation any longer" she laughed.

"Wait," he laughed, "he wants to talk to you."

"... okay."

She heard him hand the phone off.

"V, it's gorgeous out here" he laughed. "And I mean- wow! Your house is beautiful. Remus is going to love this!"

Spencer didn't know what to say.


"Yeah I'm here- sorry."

"You ok?"

"Just tired" she answered. "I have a stomach virus."

"... are you sure it's-"

"Yes, B."

"Just making sure- I won't be taking care of babies straight out-"

"Yeah, I know. I don't want that either."

She heard him sigh, "what's happening over there?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just haven't slept well and exams are soon and I'm stressed."

Hermione didn't say anything, she just looked.

"I'm sure Ms. Granger will gladly help you out" he laughed.

"Yeah, she will" she smiled to herself.

There were a few seconds of silence, Sirius knew something was going on but didn't know how to ask.

He was worried, but as he built up the courage to ask Spencer spoke first.

"Well, I'll talk to you later."

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