110. To peace

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It's late June.

I started drinking whiskey and no longer care for wine, it makes me think about you and I'd rather not.

I'm getting better at eating food and sleeping decent amount of hours.

Sev has me on a schedule.

I feel better I guess. I don't know how to explain it.

Like when a scab forms but it takes ages to heal.

I can see the scab, even though it's small.

In other news, since I started crying.

The trial was postponed until mid September, I'm not that upset about it.

I guess I'm getting better at realizing some things are out of my control.

I miss you.

I miss Harry-

"You're early" Severus said from his room upstairs.

"Early bird gets the worm" she smiled, closing her notebook.

"You're chipper this morning" he noted as he walked down to his kitchen.

"Yes, I'm ready for you to emotionally ruin me today" she smiled.

He shook his head with a smile.

Spencer realized he'd become more comfortable smiling in front of her these last few weeks.

"Coffee?" he asked.

"I'm okay" she shook her head. "Thanks though."

"Mhm" he nodded. "What'd you eat for breakfast?"

"I made myself some pancakes" she answered. "I brought you some, they're on the table."

"Did you burn this batch?"

"No" she chuckled.

"Thank you" he replied after inspecting them.

"Yeah" she smiled. "No problem."

"How's your scar?" he asked, referring to the long scar on her forearm the tree left.

"It's alright" she shrugged. "Doesn't hurt as much anymore."

"How do you feel about it being a permanent mark on your body?" he brought out a plate for himself.

"Well it looks cool so, I'm not complaining."

"You know that's not the answer I'm looking for" he replied.

She took a deep breath, "at first I wouldn't look at it and now... I don't hate it so much."

"Why wouldn't you look at it?"

"Isn't it obvious?" she rolled her eyes.

"Indulge me" he ate her pancakes. "These are good" he complimented.

"Thanks" she smiled.

He waited for her to answer his question.

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