103. Forever and always

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Spencer stared at her floor, her knuckles bleeding.

How did we get here?

It was all a blur.

I'm dreaming, she told herself.

"This isn't real" she said out loud. "That wasn't real."

"It was real," Emily spoke, "I heard the whole thing."

She summoned their bottle of whiskey.

"It's five in the afternoon somewhere I guess" Emily sighed, sitting beside her.

Spencer took a big gulp, "take it easy, you haven't eaten anything" Emily said.

"Screw you" she replied angrily.

Emily nodded.

Someone started banging on her door.

"Wake up!" Andrew yelled. "Open the door, Spencer!"

She took another big gulp before slowly standing, she held her hand over her ribs as she walked to the door.

"Good morning Andrew, how can I help you?"

"Your boyfriend is a werewolf!" he exclaimed, entering her room.

"Ex-boyfriend and yes, he is."

"What happened to your arm?" he asked, seeing the wrap.

"Nothing, what do you want I'm busy."

"Your knuckles are bleeding."

She looked at her hand, "yeah."

"Did you say ex?" he asked, as if he had just heard her.

"Yes" she walked into her room.

Spencer picked up the bottle from the floor and put it on her nightstand before sitting down on her bed.

"What the hell happened?" he came in.

"I punched the mirror" she looked at it.

Andrew fixed it back up.

"You know what I mean" he looked at her.

"Andy" she whispered.

"You can tell me Spence" he sat in front of her.

Spencer closed her eyes, "long story short: Sirius Black is innocent, there was a whole thing by the whomping willow. Remus quit his job since everyone found out he's a werewolf and subsequently broke up with me. I have two broken ribs and a huge cut on my forearm from a stupid fucking tree branch. That's what happened."

Andrew nodded slowly.

"Oh and my knuckles are bleeding so, that's fun."

"...do you want to talk about it?"

"No one wants to be with me and my sad little bubble" she shook her head, her eyes beginning to water.

"Spence," he shook his head, "I'm here for you" he hugged her. "Fuck whatever he said."

Spencer gasped for air as she started to cry.

He rubbed her back as she spoke incoherently.

"You what?" he asked.

"I told him I loved him" she cried. "And he didn't care" she rested her head on his shoulder.

Andrews eyes widened.

"It's okay, I know there's nothing to say" she whispered.

Spencer began to calm down. "Can we move to the living room?" she asked.

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