22. Sister mine

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"Spence!" Harry yelled as she fell on the floor.

"Harry I got this- go to dinner. Don't mention this to anyone" Remus told Harry as he picked Spencer up from the floor.

"What if they ask-" Harry stuttered

"I'm keeping her- understood?" Remus asked.

Harry nodded his head, eyes widened.

"She'll be fine- he'll know what to do" Remus said as he walked out of his classroom.

Honestly, he wasn't sure himself. A million questions ran through his head.

Why Snape?
Why did she say no?
Who is she?
Why not ask to be taken to Dumbledore?

He could feel his body aching, he should be resting, but that was the furthest thing on his mind. The only thing he could think about was Spencer.

He looked at her and shook his head. Her head was hanging back and her arm was resting outward.

"You're okay," he said in a whisper, "you're going to be okay love"

"Please don't leave me" he whispered.

Remus kicked Snape's door open, moving inside quickly.

"Spencer I don't have time to argu-" Snape started saying until he turned around. Remus threw the things that were on his table, not caring to see if they were valuable, and laid her there.

"What-" Snape said as he forced himself to get closer.

"She's back" Remus said as he grabbed her wrist and studied her pulse.

"What do you mean she's back" Snape asked.

Remus shook his head, "I- I don't know she-"

"Breathe Lupin. What happened exactly" he asked as he searched for his wand.

"At first she lost her balance- then she said no. Just no and she laughed to herself... I think shaking her head. Before falling she told me to tell you she's back"

Remus couldn't stop looking at her body. She wasn't moving- it looked like she was barely breathing.

Snape was about to point his wand to her, Remus grabbed his wrist before he was able to touch her.

"I'm not going to hurt her" Snape said as he took his wrist back.

"Hard to believe when you slapped her not hours ago" he argued back.

"Might I remind you that she told you to bring her to me- I'm not going to hurt her" he said with an eye roll.

Remus stepped back, allowing him to get closer, reluctantly. "Rennervate" Snape said as he pointed his wand towards her body.

When he repeated spells over and over with no result- Snape took a step back and thought about what to do.


Spencer opened her eyes and woke up in the middle of nowhere. She turned around to see where she was, there was no one around her.

She looked at the floor and tried to find her wand but again, nothing. She took in her surroundings, it was sundown and from the weather... summer? She asked herself.

She was in a city with a building that looked very familiar but she couldn't tell from where.

As she walked forward a carnival came into view. She smiled to herself as she walked; however, as she kept going in she realized she was alone.

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