141. I do

338 27 40

"I don't think we've all hung out together, have we?" Harry asked.

They were on their way to Sirius' house.

"No" she answered. "You excited?"

"Nervous" he answered.


"I don't know" he admitted.

"It'll be fine" she pet his head. "Don't worry about it too much."

"Right" he nodded. "All's well that ends well."

"You didn't actually read that did you" she chuckled.

"No, Shakespeare is a bit too advanced for me."

"Maybe in a couple years" she nodded. "I just finished reading the merchant of Venice, it was good. Antisemitic as fuck but the actual first representation of a Jewish person with feelings. My problem that's not really a problem with Shakespeare is that he shows how cruel the world can be but in the end he puts everything back to quote on quote normal. But I get that he'd probably would have gotten his head chopped off if he was more controversial so I guess I can't be too mad at him" she laughed. "Oh and the guys are definitely gay- well maybe not Bassanio but Antonio was definitely feeling some feelings for him."

Harry chuckled, "I'll keep it in mind" he nodded.

Spencer saw him rubbing his palms on his knee.

A few moments passed before he spoke again, "Are you nervous?"

"Why should I be nervous?"

"Sirius" he chuckled.

"I'm sure he'll behave" she laughed.

"... did you guys date?" he asked.


"You know... date. Were you together?"

"Would you mind?"

"So you did?"

"I'm just asking, like you."

"I don't know... would you break up with him if I did?"

"I'd take your opinion into account" she answered.

"I don't think he is the one for you" he admitted. "But maybe he is," he shrugged, "I wouldn't know."

"Who do you think is the one for me? Mason?" she smiled.

"I'm talking about Sirius."

Spencer paused for a second, "you don't like Mason?"

"I never said that."

"You didn't not say it" she stood straighter. "Did he say something to you? Did something happen?"

"No- nothing happened. I like him well enough" he shook his head.

"So what's the issue?"

"I was just wondering about Sirius" he shrugged. "But you don't need to answer if you don't want to."

She took a deep breath, "no. We didn't date" she answered.

"Would you?"

"No, I think we're too similar- too destructive" she replied. "Did he tell you to ask me?"

"No, I was just wondering because me and Professor Lupin were talking about it."

"You... you two were talking about me dating Sirius?"

"Yeah, when Mason came over and got jealous about him being there" he said. "I told him that he was probably upset because he doesn't know him and you didn't tell him he'd be there."

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